: I remember Prime Target was built on the Marathon 2 engine. Macsoft made tons
: of improvements to the engine: jumping/crouching, homing shots, key cards,
: voice transmissions, land mines... Also, it seemed everything was sped up
: 150% and it made the game much more action-packed. It was awesome.
Prime Target was a great Marathon spin-off. It did not run on my machine though, a 7100/66 with 112 megs of main memory and 1 meg of video card memory. For one, it's mouse control was totally trashed. All too often, after turning, I wound up in uncontrolled spins that I could not stop without quitting the game. Looking up and down was just as wacky. I was doing my best to work through these problems but I ran into an insurmountable crashing problem that would not let me progress past the point of crash. I could not leave the level because of it. I eventually gave up working on the problem.
I was totally stoked on the improvements to Marathon that Prime Target brought, but I was equally disappointed that it would not run on my computer. I'm still open to suggestions to get it working, I still have the CD.
Gary Simmons
the Battle Cat