: We'll just have to change a few things, like make it it's own scenario
: disconnected to Eternal, set the time in either: somewhere between
: 21,000BC-1523AD; or 2811 or beyond. We'd have to add excuses to visit
: other (fresh or crumbling) mesoamerican sites to make it more than just a
: PID remake and save the PID pyramid for last, and, yeah, possibly get the
: PID monsters updated for the aleph one engine.
Well that's getting a bit beyond the topic of this thread now, but if you ever get around to making that scenario let us know.
And man, I really kinda wish I had thought of this PiD tie-in a lot earlier, like, 12 years ago. It would be really hard to swing it within the limits of the texture sets and such (though some of the ch5 textures are already partly based off of PiD textures), but how awesome would it have been if the failure branch of chapter 5 had been returning to the catacombs below where the pyramid would one day be in PiD to nuke the W'rkncacnter and actually save history and Hathor was right all along and the whole thing would have worked... except the Jjaro themselves (the stage 3 Jjaro from the Outside, who are obsessed with maintaining the time loop that involves the extinction of their stage 1 ancestors) then intervene to fuck your shit up for breaking their timeline, leaving you no choice but to do as they've preordained, and go back and kill Hathor and trillions of other lives with her.