: I always get so lost at the last part of this level. It's such a sprawling
: map! Fantastic job writing up the whole thing. XD
: That change in the color of Durandal's messages is puzzling. It happens in
: the next couple of levels, too - whatever could it mean? (Besides someone
: forgetting to use the correct color, I suppose. XD )
Interestingly the first two Durandal terminals on this level have the Pfhor terminal login kind of interlaced on the map images he presents - plus they are all in red. They also start with red "alert" text, but perhaps these were open terminals that Durandal was more easily able to hack into (or whatever); whereas the last terminal has a full Pfhor login image, the unfinished terminal graphic, and Pfhor message content - it is specifically interrupted by Durandal, and bingo dimmer text.
The first few on Where Some Rarely Go try to keep that up with origin/destination info as per the Tycho/Pfhor terminals, but then I guess they just get lazy ... to the point of fully red text from Durandal on Foe Hammer. I guess they caught that one from Rise Robot Rise that was the other way around.... Another mystery :)?