: What?!!!
: Not sure why you are getting this but Eupfhoria is set to Exploration only.
: No Extermination involved. At least that's what it should be.
: The reason why you don't get teleported off is probably because you haven't
: explored everywhere.
: You are probably coming to your conclusion that killing everything is
: necessary because you go back looking for enemies and in the process
: explore an area you missed. Hence you get teleported off but not because
: you killed everything.
Oops. My bad.
Yeah, I guess that is what happened. So no, Eupfhoria is not a sin worse than Colony Ship. Still, the idea of respawning enemies is a little hard to do right in Marathon, and in the case of Eupfhoria, it wasn't done well. It just feels weird, albeit kind of creepy, almost in the manner of Aliens (which, mind you, I haven't seen).