: Same goes for the Bobs; you don't see most of them because they get crushed
: before you ever get to them. I'm not sure what this is all about although
: I suspect this bizarre design is meant to be representative of the Pfhor's
: ineffective and self-sabotaging bureaucracy. Only the Pfhor would design a
: prison that, instead of keeping prisoners from escaping, actually kills
: prisoners when they inevitably try to escape.
Only the Pfhor and Double Aught. Chris Giesel's comments on this level helps to explain your observation:
Greg and I designed this map together from start to finish, hence the name. We made it towards the end of the summer, and made great use of Vulcan's 'copy and paste' to make the winding, organic hallways where Bob is kept locked in the basement. About this time I was reading a book that mentioned the French philosopher Bataille (sp?), and a group of conceptual artists called the Survivalists. Anyway, they'd make pieces that would test people: test their empathy, and test their suicidal tendencies. I think the point was that they believed that you were only truly Alive when you were in danger, so they'd make machines that would spin people around while randomly firing flamethrowers and other deadly things. This was the inspiration for the Bob-o-lator, our Infinity empathy test.
So the whole thing is an empathy test. ;)