To put it bluntly, unusually small. Or just extremely picky. After vigorous testing on a cheated game of PiD v1.0, I found that only these items would 'fit' inside the Cedar Box:
- Flashlight: This has some really weird behavior after being duplicated. You can turn on multiple Flashlights at once. However, if you turn on an even number of Flashlights all at the same time, they seem to cancel each-other out; things get darker, as though you didn't have a Flashlight on. On the flip-side, if you turn on an odd number of Flashlights at the same time, the 'brightness level' returns to 'normal' (i.e. it's just like if you had one Flashlight on). Very strange.
- Survival Knife: Been reported before. Didn't test it very thoroughly.
- Walther P4 Pistol: Same as the Survival Knife. Oddly, the Rusted Walther P4 doesn't fit.
- Silver Medal: You don't gain any points or treasure for duplicating this, sadly.
- Ammunition: This should be obvious. Any kind of ammo goes in, the same kind comes out.
Please note that all my testing has been done on a Basilisk II emulator and with PiD v.1.0, I think. If you find any differences in later versions of PiD or in testing done on a real Mac OS, please let me know.
Also, screenshots of the Flashlight oddities would help. Just remember to make sure your inventory is close enough to the World View that we can see how many Flashlights you have on at the time, and also make sure to include photos of it with both odd and even numbers of Flashlights on
Finally, my apologies if this has all been done before.