: I have 2 questions, 1. What is the ethnicity of the player, because your
: hands when using fists look black so I had assumed he was, but most
: Marathon artwork shows otherwise. The apparently open gloves brings me to
: my next point 2.) Does your suit complete cover you? Your fists appear to
: have exposed patches of skin and much Marathon Artwork shows the play with
: an open lower portion of his mask. This wouldn't make much since
: considering that you go into a vacuum/lava a number of times during the
: game. I couldn't find anything on it in the facts and interesting things
: about "You" or the Mark IV cyborg section.
Regarding the suit, I always figured it was your *shields* that protected you from lava (and everything else for that matter), not the physical suit itself. The suit looks to me like it's mostly just cloth. And I imagine the helmet is largely just to give you your heads-up display. Maybe the shields can form a vacuum seal too, who knows.
And the player's hands don't really look black to me. Certainly not your average pasty white American, but he could be anything from a really tan white guy, asian, hispanic, middle eastern... or even a light-skinned black person. I think it's probably supposed to be nondescript 'middle skin tone', so you can't tell what he is exactly.