: The main point of this level (Blake37 - you might want to consider starting
: your posts this way) is to get to a Pfhor transport so that you can
: destroy the trih xeem and prevent it from being used at Lh'owon. Forrest,
: I have to commend you for this whole concept. I think your inconsistency
: has been resolved. Remember how Durandal described how the Pfhor used
: radiation to kill the S'pht in the ancient citadel - it was not their
: style? The trih xeem is certainly their style, but if it was destroyed,
: they couldn't deploy it. Thus it was not just the early calling of K'lia
: back to Lh'owon, but rather the loss of the trih xeem in the success
: branch that kept the Pfhor from deploying it.
I had always interpreted the lingering radiation as leftover from the S'pht Clan Wars, which IIRC Durandal did not know of when we first beamed down and he told us that. But I guess this works as an answer to my plot hole anyway :-)
BTW, if you guys like the similar M2 elements in this level, you're gonna love what we're planning for the revised Chapter 3 in Eternal X. I've manged to connect S'pht Happens, Eat It Vid Boi, The Hard Stuff Rules, 6,000 Feet Under, Eat S'pht And Die, Back To The Future, and a new conception of Let Sleeping Gods Die all together into one giant area around and within the Citadel, split across four maps.
On S'pht Happens, you'll begin in the far end of Eat It Vid Boi, work your way back to the base of the Citadel, where Leela will beam you up the tower into an area near and similar to The Hard Stuff Rules, for safe keeping. Therein you will find S'bhuth, who will beam you far below to the new Let Sleeping Gods Die, an area that no S'pht can reach because of the lava flow, but which was fortold in prophecy to be accessible by the Messenger of Yrro; an area adjacent to the north end of 6,000 Feet Under. Exiting that will take you back up toward the surface, where you will see the source of the lava river in 6,000 feet under - the surface lava river in Back To The Future, which in turn is the outflow from the lavaworks in Eat It Vid Boi. The temple area on Back To The Future is now adjacent to the courtyard in Eat S'pht And Die, where S'bhuth beams you for stasis after completing your mission to destroy Hathor. This also explains how Leela loses track of you when S'bhuth takes charge - he beams you deep into the ground, where Leela's scans can't reach, and afterwards, you're stuck in stasis.
http://eternal.psyjnir.net/files/_temp/sphtmaps.jpg for a rough conceptualization of the whole thing.