: Sorry that I'm a bit later then I intended.
No problem - I'm late in responding
: When we step onto the teleporters, we find our sleves in these weird little
: rooms with an uplink slot and a bunch of sleeping 'Kr. Pop in the cheip,
: hit the teleporter at the other end and find ourselves in another,
: somewhat better equiped base, with several ticks and mean S'pht to deal
: with. Interstingly, I saw a few S'pht fight each other, something I've
: never seen before, and thought was outside of S'pht behavor.
S'pht will fight anyone that fires on them, even accidentally, even if they're other S'pht. I would also like to mention that it's fairly easy to get dumped into the lava when you first step out of those weird rooms, so be careful.
: Overall, I'm not all that fond of this level. Maybe put some fire Flik'ta
: (which were mentioned in the first term. message) to spice it up some.
I agree with you there. It's a weird level in general.