Sorry that I'm a bit later then I intended.
We start out in this weird spiral shaped thing with a few exploding ticks. We again encounter the floating dead tick bug as well. Three uplink chips beam in, and we take the way to the right, wich turns out to be a good thing, because we find a little home base set-up. S'buth tells us that we are standing in or on some sort of very old apperatus, which could kill all s'pht when it turns on?? Or am I reading that incorrectly? Anyway, reading further, the key "7" has unlocked three something-rathers and we must install those up-link chips. But in more metaphorical terms. Ah! this is the thing that sends K'lia to the farthest reaches of nothing, and we'll have to do some swimming.
When we step onto the teleporters, we find our sleves in these weird little rooms with an uplink slot and a bunch of sleeping 'Kr. Pop in the cheip, hit the teleporter at the other end and find ourselves in another, somewhat better equiped base, with several ticks and mean S'pht to deal with. Interstingly, I saw a few S'pht fight each other, something I've never seen before, and thought was outside of S'pht behavor.
You used to go to this place first, and have to solve some bizaar switch puzzle to get into the room with the up-lionk slot, but now you can't hit the switchs, which are also gaurded by Hulks(?) in the other two up-link complexes.
The terminals second message that we read after we finish placing all three chips tells us that Hathor is back, and the Leela is after her, adn out next mission: to "rot Hathors mind"
Overall, I'm not all that fond of this level. Maybe put some fire Flik'ta (which were mentioned in the first term. message) to spice it up some.