I figured an introduction would be necessary before I began ranting on a specific topic on Marathon, especially seeing as the fact that I just recently acquired Marathon and beat only Arrival and Bigger Guns Nearby.
I know very little about the video game Marathon. I decided to get it because it seemed like an old and classic game, and I am usually one known to having preferences of old or classic games over modern ones. So many modern games these days seem to have developed a reputation of being either a typical arena game or a typical military ops game, neither of which adequately conform to my gaming tastes.
This classic FPS, so far, seems somewhat unique from others that I've played in the past. Not to say that I haven't enjoyed other FPS, but from what I've played in this game, Marathon seems to do well in going outside the usual concept of blasting enemies, collecting stuff, beating the level, repeat. So far it seems to go outside the box. I love the background music, the look of the environment, the unique computer terminal idea, the plot idea, and of course, the action. So far I think the game has a good jumpstart on the plot, and I hope that it will go deeper. The only real thing I don't like about this game is the map-making: Though the environment gives off a great feel, the maps so far seem so cramped. Even worse is that the maps seem so linear and to the point: You're following a pathway all the way down to the terminal that takes you to the next level with little complication. But so far I am addicted to this game because it seems so... Grabbing. Not just because of the action or the missions, but because of the look, feel and somewhat grabbing plot. It seems that the whole concept is going to grow deeper as I progress in the game.
The network gaming seems interesting too. Though unfortunately I have not managed to play a network game and the connection isn't internet like other games, I have witnessed the network demos, and it seems extremely fun and perhaps addicting. It looks like it would be plenty more enjoyable than any of the other multiplayer/arena games I've seen and perhaps played. What seems especially amazing about it is that it seems to be very intense, but at the same time tactical, with a requirement for quick thinking and without the overly mindless reputation as in Quake III or UT2004, both of which contain little or no sophistication or need for thought where you would mindlessly run around like a maniac firing your weapon.
Getting to the point, I would be pleased to know of anything interesting going on down at this forum. Any projects, hot topics, rants... Anything interesting I should know about.
I hope to make the best of my time spent at this forum. ;)