In a word, no - we've been down that discussion path before.
Kane, the rogue star has nothing to do with the events in the Marathon Trilogy at all. It presumably was something of interest to Durandal - a curiosity perhaps or maybe a new opportunity for him - but any hope he had of reaching that rogue star with its ruined world evaporated when the W'rkncacnter was released - an event that did not happen until the start of MI. With the W'rkncacnter's release, the universe became doomed and it became our quest, with the help of the Jjaro, to go back in time and alter history so that the release would either never occur or, as it happened, be contained. That left a very different situation from the one at the end of M2. Durandal was merged with Thoth and who knows what interest this new merged entitity might have in the rogue star. There is a major 3rd party scenario in the works that will deal specifically with the rogue star and Durandal's unending quest to use abandoned Jjaro technology to escape the closure of the Universe in spite of his merger with Thoth - Blayne is doing an outstanding job of attempting to finally resolve some of these loose ends in WMaiD.
BTW, the Leveler in Myth was not a true rogue star. A rogue star is a star or star system from outside the normal orbital plane of the galaxy. Generally, these originate from outside the galaxy and are captured as they pass by, or they start out as a normal star but are tugged out of their normal oribt by a massive object such as a black hole. The Rogue star in Marathon with a ruined world just wreaks of the Jjaro - hence Durandal's likely interest in the first place in what might be there, and Blaynes - and mine.