: The thing about Halo is that while it has a pretty complex story, it's not
: like Marathon's story - a bunch of threads that stretch out in all
: directions and some go into concrete blocks that you have to attach with a
: pick-axe to follow them. Instead, the Halo story is a nice, neat, round
: ball of yarn that looks like you get everything right there...until you
: actually start following one of the threads, which is when you find out
: that they too lead into concrete walls.
I totally agree with this account... I have been thinking a lot about how the stories differ. I was, at first, put off by Halo's story, since I was expecting something Marathon-esque but after pulling just a little bit, those threads of the plot get quite tangled and complicated. Its really very interesting, and I think you hit the nail on the head with that analysis. Bravo!