: Yes, the plasma cannon. I don't think I've seen a weapon that could use the
: same type of ammo as another weapon before. That was pretty cool. How did
: you do it?
Really easy, actually. Each weapon in it's physics has a popup menu that just says "what item does this use as ammo?", which basically means, "When I reload, what should I delete one of from your inventory?" It can be any object that can be placed on a map, even a repair chip or another weapon. I just set both Plasma weapons to use the same Plasma batteries.
BTW, did you notice the second plasma pistol you get on L12? I gather that a lot of people play with "auto-switch weapons" off, so they may not notice when they got the second one. Early feedback was really keen on "29th Century Woo" as I've taken to calling it, so I wanna make sure everybody notices it. :-)