Wow, what a blast! Again, way to symmetric for the Pfhor, but a lot of fun to play. I am really amazed by this level. I have seen a lot of tricks in a lot of scenarios, but it's getting harder and harder to pull off something new and unique. Even your self-regenerating O2 has been available in AO for some time - just not utilized as a part of a scenario before. But creating a level that has the true appearance of dawn or dusk is quite a feat. Now what we have here is an illusion - I suppose it would be possible to have the outdoor areas of a level gradually lighten or darken, but that would involve an incredible amount of coding and it would likely slow the game down a great deal, if it would work at all. What you have done is ingeneous. Players are likely to circle the level in one direction only. By creating a gradual gradient from one area of the map to the next, you have created an illusion of the level gradually getting lighter - or darker, as the player plays. My hats off to you on this one. The other things I like - having fighters come out between the bars of a cage that the player is to wide to fit through - a really nice touch, and having switches that operate doors in adjacent quadrants - the palyer may not figure this out until the very end. All-in-all, I like this one a lot.