: 7 sounds good - I think I can do it in 7, but I'd still like to see the
: monsters more restricted.
in MK I, it was challanding an normal, that made it fun to play. with five minets or whatever, i proposly wasted two miets or so fighting all the monsters at the beginning at once, so i could see what you did to the failing brach. with seven minets, maybe i'll take to playing that level on major damage.
what i'm saying is, don't let this become like hairy legs from rubicon, the first time i did that level, i had no idea what i was doing, and no teminal picts to guide me, but i was still able to get out in time. i realize that it's much harder on TC, and it sounds like for that it needs another minet or two. i don't supose that thare's any way to have the time limit differant for different difficulty levels?
anywho, i have played though chapter one of MK II, minus the terminal picts (I NEED SOMEONE WITH BASILISK ii OR A MAC AND A PC TO DO SEND ME THE WHOLE MAP FILE(cuz stuffit only unzips the data fork, for me at least) UNLESS FORREST HAS ALREADY GOT AN SDL VERSION WORKING, IN WHICH case SOMEONE SHOLD TELL ME, SO I CAN STOP YELLING AT PEOPLE!) and i like the changes you made. in preticular, the save term and sheild chargers on L3, and reworking of L2. about level eight, or whatever one is ican't beleave its not total carnage. the ambush at the beginning is more easy, now that i have time to get 2x shields on L4. also, on that level is a MOAH, behind a light piller thing, and he doesn't move, or attack or anything. i think he should be taken out of the level, having too many of those guys in a level bothers me. oh, btw, i like the new plasma pistol firing sound. i didn't notice any other big changes that havent been commented upon, so i start chapter two now