: With such a large, open area, I did not see this as
: a probelm, but then I like taking on hoards of monsters in open areas
: with fists only on TC.
Yes, I do too. But other players might wish to approach the level in a more orderly manner.
: Interesting - The Grey Behind the Red was one of my favorite levels, and I
: didn't find it that difficult at all on TC, with the exception of a few
: major tight spots. Likewise, Public transit, although difficult in places,
: did not even rate an honorable mention for difficulty for me. The Sacking
: of Troy, however, was the most difficult for me - at least the beginning
: of it. As you say, we'll discuss these in more detail later.
Yes, but remember when I refer to "the way I play", I am talking about "without using ammo". Try taking on "The Grey Behind the Red", "The Sacking of Troy", and "Public Transit" without using any ammo (except for activating switches). In that sense, I found these to be the most difficult for me.