I'm really glad you guys liked this level. I believe it is the first to make use of water and in addition you can go below to see into the water tanks! (or at least it is a map trick/illusion). Did you notice the ambient fish swimming? I was having a hard time getting them to work and was not sure if they appeared for other players.
The hard part with the waterfalls: sometimes life throws you inbetween a rock and a hardplace. I understand how this can be frustrating, but I hestitate to make drastic changes. I could however try to work sublt changes to give the player slightly better odds-maybe that safe-room idea with the 2x recharger.
You're right on Steve with Osindir. It was sometimes hard writing his terminals just because I wanted to throw in some emotion-it can be hard to think and write like a machine! Curiously, does anybody recognize this AI's name? Unlike Shaki and Mece, Osindir's name comes from an outside source. Maybe I spent too many hours playing Angband years ago...