: Does anyone know what 3d modeling program Ian Mconville used to make his guns
: and monsters? I am working on a marathon project myself and I would really
: like to know. I have Strata3D plus with some plugins but I would like
: something better. If I get something else than It has to be under 120
: dollers and compatible with my Rev-C iMac.
He used a variety of things. Some stuff is hand-drawn and Photoshopped. Others are in Strata. I believe he used some other programs as well. If you read the RED site at http://bighouse.bungie.org/red, and look at the pages for each monster, weapon, etc, it has notes about them, including sometimes the tools used.
I know IAN is also a lot into Maya these days. I'm trained in Maya and should probably get to doing something with it, especially since you can download a full-featured version free for noncommercial use. http://www.alias.com/eng/products-services/maya/maya_ple/index.shtml