: In the Infinity version of RED, the player is immune to the Spider Tanks, as
: well as the turrets. I assume this was not intended. I checked with Anvil.
: Both enemy attacks are set to type "Projectile", while the
: player is set to be immune to "Projectile". Sure makes dealing
: with those enemies much easier than otherwise would be.
In the AO version, the player is very much susceptable to projectile weapons. I'm not sure if this is a bug in the script file, or a bug in AO itself. Also, the secondary trigger on the Chonch frequently causes the application to crash, making it unreliable as a weapon. Further, the comment about not having to worry about health? Let's just say that I played the entire last 2 levels without any shield strength whatsoever, and being still vulnerable to all weapons. But more on this later.