: I agree with you, however, in that the omega cannon is too well hidden -
: very few of us would have it - perhaps none of us if John hadn't found it
: (I won't tell you how he did it, but it wasn't through ordinary gameplay).
Heck, I don't mind telling anyone how I got it. I'm not ashamed. As I told Steve in an email, my normal procedure when playing any level of any scenario is to first play through the level in my usual style, collecting all ammo I find, killing all enemies I can, and locating all secrets that I come across. As a rule, I do not actively go looking for secrets, unless I am suspicious of a particular area. However, I have ALWAYS been a stickler for collecting all ammo. Thus, when I am finished playing a level, I always check in Forge to see if I was successful in collecting all ammo. If not, then I go back (if possible) and retrieve the ammo I missed. So on "Last Minute Shopping", that is how I found the Omega Cannon.