Hmmm... yes, scrap my old theory :P I don't really remember anymore, but did Durandal really know about Thoth before arriving at Lh'owon? Wasn't he just looking for the 11'th clan? And it's still unclear why the S'pht never used Thoth, or?
: There are a lot of contradictions here. How did Durandal find out about Thoth
: if not from the S'pht? And why did Durandal refer to Thoth as a S'pht AI
: when he clearly seems to be Jjaro in origin. And there is still the issue
: of the Thoth Terminal on We're Everywhere. I don't have the answers to
: these questions, but Thoth clearly wasn't completely dormant. Perhaps the
: Jjaro foresaw the Pfhor enslavement of the S'pht and knew that it was
: essential to the future balance of the Universe - it was only through that
: enslavement that we were ultimately able to defeat them. Interesting
: thoughts . . .