: Near if not taken by the pfhor. They need to be next to all the races because
: they have contact with all of them. I would throw some extra simple races
: on the finges, as well as other enslvaed home worlds. We only see the
: slaves we fight, not domestic or labour slaves.
Ellio7t, you raise an interesting point. Why didn't the Pfhor occupy Lh'owon? Why would they cart away all the S'pht, kill those that resisted and not occupy the planet afterwards? There seemed to be a lot of useful technology that they could have exploited. If they stole so much of their technology from the Jjaro, wouldn't a functioning Jjaro AI (Thoth) have been of use to them? Instead, they irradiated Lh'owon and left it alone for a millenium, returning only when we went looking for it. My opinion is that Lh'owon was an exception - as Durandal said, it wasn't their style. Since they couldn't capture all the S'pht and couldn't round up the last of them, they instead decided to torture them with a slow death. This is perhaps an even more brutal approach than simply using the trih xeem. With the conquest of Earth, however, I'm sure they would have quickly overtaken our inferior technology, enslaved all of us and made Earth a part of the Pfhor Empire.