I just got what you were saying, none provider email addresses, got it. That does indeed make my email address "invalid", Mazaro probably has the same problem then. I for one doesn't have an email addy provided by my internet provider, so I can never upload any files then :(
I'll email him about this. Thanks Battlecat, hope he has an email provided by his internet provider...
: I checked your Fileball member account D-M.A., it says your excite.com email
: account is not valid. Accounts with invalid emails don't have many privs
: at Fileball. This is no reflection on YOU but some folks have abused the
: system with non internet provider email address so Frigidman disallowed
: their usage. Try changing your email address to the one your IP provides
: you with. Fileball has absolutely no interest in selling or sharing your
: email address, it is only for Fileball system use such as sending you your
: password if you forget it.
: Gary Simmons
: the Battle Cat