Since we missed Marathon's birthday, I thought it would be wise to start a Bungie calendar. Please add dates you think are appropriate. I am especially interested in Bungie employee birthdays.
Jason Jones' Birthday (1971) 6/1
Rob McLees Birthday (1968) 7/27
Bungie.Org Founded (1999) 1/6
Marathon's Story Forum Founded (2001) 5/12
Bungie Founded (1991) 6/14
Microsoft Acquires Bungie (2000) 6/19
Marathon's Story Founded by Hamish Sinclair (1995) 9/19
Marathon Infinity Ships (1996) 10/15
Marathon 2: Durandal Ships (1995) 11/24
Marathon Ships (1994) 12/21
Colony Harvest Encounters the Covenant (2525) 2/3
Hologram of Jjaro Diplomat 'Ryu-Toth' Warns of Awakening 'God' 5/5
Marathon attacked by Pfhor (2794) 7/25
Project SPARTAN II begins on Reach (2517) 9/23
Pfhor arrive at Tau Ceti. Colony destroyed. (2794) 10/25
Marathon Launched (2209) 11/16