: So I'm looking for some advice.
: A number of years ago, I bought a Trilogy Box set in 7/10 condition for the
: sake of collecting. Just recently, I managed to snag a sealed copy of M1.
: I've only ever played the games via Aleph One, since I've never owned a Mac,
: but I'm getting tempted to try buying an old Mac to play the games in
: their original forms. Does anyone know what Mac, in what condition (OS,
: etc. ) and what else I would need to use the 1994 or Trilogy Box set
: disks.
Before its power supply blew up, I used to play Marathon on a PowerMac 7200/90 running System 7.5.3 and it ran well. You don't need even need a Macintosh-specific monitor, plenty of people use regular VGA LCD displays with cheap passive adapters (search eBay for "macintosh vga adapter", they should be under $10 USD). You will need an ADB keyboard, cable, and mouse, but they're not exactly expensive.
Likely the biggest problem you'll run into with a PowerMac is the hard drive. They use SCSI drives that are getting old and dying left right and centre these days, so if you get a machine with a dead drive, your options are either to chance it with another drive that will inevitably bite the dust, or buy a SCSI2SD adapter for about $70 USD that will let you use an SD card as a hard drive.