
Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand Spoons
Posted By: Mark LevinDate: 1/21/04 7:42 a.m.

We're taken from the bright, friendly warship, through a spooky chapter screen, and thrust into a dark, mechanical nightmare reminiscent of Marathon 1 and the Alien movies. This level is our first encounter with one of Evil's most impressive new features: the Devlins. These guys were very impressive the first time through, and this level is one of the best uses of them in the scenario. Once I got a good look at them in a lighted area, I was less enamored of their spindly design and "busy" walking animation, but they're still good for scares in a dark place like this. For the most part they're only present in the first half of the scenario, but the mapmakers still get a lot of use out of them. I was particularly impressed with the slaughter the player stumbles upon, as the last humans are killed by a Devlin that got past their failing spotlight seconds before you arrived.

The mapmaking here is not one of the highlights of the scenario, consisting mostly of plain hallways that rarely deviate from perfectly horizontal or vertical. Perhaps it's a good thing that there's not much here to distract you from the Devlins, but it took me a while to start liking this scenario the first time through. There are also some unfortunately uses of "mysterious alien technology" that could make the level quite frustrating, as we are never told that the mysterious round things are a pattern buffer and computer terminal (and could they please at least look different?) or that the buzzing room is actually a recharger? If you miss any of these items, you're going to have a tough time finishing the level, especially if you're not used to fighting Devlins. Ammo is also extremely tight, as the shotgun is the best weapon (so far) to use on the devlins, but you have very few shells and also have to kill a few Pfhor. This level also has gun turrets on it, significantly upgraded from their SONK equivalents as it is no longer possible to even hit them with shots.

Another unfortunately decision here was the use of the Checkpoint terminal section, which has always been buggy in Infinity and doesn't display properly. Here it mostly works, but we'll run into much more problematic screens later in the scenario.

The story here is what you'd expect from a horror scenario: Several people send you terminal messages shortly before getting killed, and the chain of command eventually passes to a man named [General] Dire. But he only gets a few words in before Karth Pa'Korh from SONK breaks into the transmission to threaten you some more. You exit the level by destroying a series of circuits that flood the base with gunk, and teleport into the second part of the facility, crossing over into BEER WINE GUNS AMMO PICNIC SUPPLIES in the process. This transition doesn't really seem necessary, as the two levels put together are only 700 polygons and could easily fit side by side within the same map; the only problem being some 5D space but that's not a fatal problem and could have been easily avoided).

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Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsMark Levin 1/21/04 7:42 a.m.
     Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand Spoonsgoran 1/21/04 11:58 a.m.
     Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsSteve Levinson 1/21/04 12:56 p.m.
           Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsMark Levin 1/21/04 2:34 p.m.
           Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsDr. John Sumner 1/21/04 4:15 p.m.
                 Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsSteve Levinson 1/21/04 7:05 p.m.
                       Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsDr. John Sumner 1/22/04 3:17 a.m.
     Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsAndrew Nagy 1/25/04 2:46 p.m.
           Re: Evil Volunteers: Ten Thousand SpoonsAndrew "Document" Nagy 1/28/04 3:54 p.m.

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