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Re: Blue Beam
Posted By: FrogBlast <>Date: 2/16/02 4:54 p.m.

In Response To: Blue Beam (poena.dare #CP#g)

: Yes, the killer blue beam is at the structure with the underground component.

: I'm not so hot at the jumping on the beam game, so I have some questions for
: the more fanatical of the blue beam jumpers: 1) Do grenades dropped on
: that place explode?
: 2) Would it launch a Warthog?

1)I did't toss a grenade at the spot you stand where the blue beam kills you, but I think it will fall all the way down the shaft, like the other two places. If you throw it on the structure to the left or right, and times it to explode when the beam hits you, and jumped at that moment, it should give you an extra boost.
2)I think launching a warthog there would take very careful timing, because you have limited time to set it all up, and the kill zone is large.

: P.S. Nice page there, Froggie, but what's this "Shooting grunts from
: underground" stuff??? Is this in a thread I missed? The pictures
: don't show that much, but the impression I get is you can be underground
: and shoot things above the surface??? WTF?

No, I haven't seen this in any threads, I just noticed it while trying to get a warthog to the underground room.... drive a warthog head-first down the ramp to the first door that the warthog won't go through, then get out and get into the gunner seat, you should be able to shoot grunts from underground... that help?


Message Index


Rocket Hippo Search and Blue BeamFrogBlast 2/16/02 3:18 p.m.
     Blue Beampoena.dare #CP#g 2/16/02 4:11 p.m.
           Re: Blue BeamFrogBlast 2/16/02 4:54 p.m.
                 Underground Gunning... very cool, thanks! *NM*poena.dare #CP#g 2/16/02 5:26 p.m.
                 Re: Blue BeamSecret Ties 2/16/02 6:55 p.m.

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