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CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VIDs*
Posted By: Tex <>Date: 5/2/11 12:13 a.m.

Ladies and Gentlemen of HBO, welcome to the SIXTH, fun-filled write up of Classic Customs Night! This week's festivities were packed full of jetpacks, popped collars, and flag capping milestones that no one will ever see because we done gone broke shit.

Game 1 - Shotgun CTF on Asylum
"WHY am I scoped in? It's a SHOTGUN!"

Shotgun CTF has quickly worked it's way into our weekly line up. Some of us (read: me) are still trying to figure out how why the shotgun switches to sniper rifle mode.

2 Flags, lotta rocks

Story of my life.

"Oh my god, they are all going left, SOMEONE get it, now."

Now I'm not gonna name names, but someone on Red i7eam i7hought i7hey were being clever. Not cool.

Final Score:
Red: 5
Blue: 1

Game 2 - Team Slayer on Powerhouse
"What's with the jetpack committee?"

So many jets, so many falling dead bodies. I think I went with Sprint once, because I picked it by accident.

Kermit likes to watch.

Standard Anti-Schooly procedure.


Final Score:
Red: 96
Blue: 100

Game 3 - KOTH on Reflection
: |

I think most of us were surprised that the hill did not move. This reminded me of the time we played KOTH on Countdown and it took forever to get a single second of time in that deathtrap. Likewise, Blue struggled but managed to get some time on the board. Red Team held down the fort with what Kermit deemed the "steel curtain of defense". But does the carpet match th-ahh forget it.

Red Team's plan was to demolish anyone who went into the hill, from the outside in. It worked.

He didn't get to use those rockets. :(

I feel so weak..It's getting dark…hold me..

Final Score:
Red: 200
Blue: 62

Sixteen men go in, but only one gets to finish off on top of the rest.

tl;dr: Nart won.

During the Post-Game press conference, Schooly D's coach/agent/training staff addressed reporters saying that "[NartFOpc] got lucky" and to remind viewers that "[Schooly D] is still leading the overall ULTRA MLG standings".

Final Score:

Game 5 - 1 Flag CTF on High Noon

We had a few hiccups with this game. In part one, Blue Team managed to score a flag but we had to end it due to..technical difficulties. In part two, Red Team let us walk a flag back for consistency and we continued the carnage. Part of the deal was you couldn't shoot at/kill anyone. Some guy didn't listen and as a result I died. It's fine. I'm prettier. Either way wound up ending this one early.

NartFOpc and his Amazing Techni Dual-colored Teamwork

Weasley is our King!

Uh oh, how'd this pan out?

Way better than I had hoped

Final Score:
Blue: 1
Red: 0

I'm growing pretty fond of High Noon, though I can only speak for myself on that. As I'm sure some of you have already read about our (hopefully only) incident with some people we were more than happy to play with. Unfortunately the feeling wasn't reciprocated. Just a friendly reminder folks: We're ok with the fact you have 8 collars popped at once, but don't be a douche.

Game 6 - Mother Fuckin' Epic CTF on Mother Fuckin' Hemorrhage
For the record, I voted 'No'.

Total Game Time: 137 Minutes

This was the mother load of CTF games. Over two hours of Firebirding, inconsistent Hog-handling, stalemates, having the entire team inside the base to defend one guy with a flag, players calling one another on the phone, wishing ill upon teammates (yes, we heard you) and table flipping. There were some great times and there were some "oh crap" times. Sadly, no one will ever see it. While we did not break the Carnage Report (YAY!) we maxed out the allotted save space for the film (99.9 MB) and the game ends during our first stalemate of the evening. Luckily you can read the report to see the bullshit that went down.

Where's their sniper?

So close

At least we made it out of the base…

He would have gotten away with it, too! If it weren't for that meddling Ghost.

Ghost bustin?

Mr. TSD himself went an impressive +174 that game. 267/93. Made Nart's numbers look like chump change. But only 121 of those kills were because he usually stayed back and sniped. 169 headshots. Not too bad. We were down a man, but whatever.

Final Score:
Blue: 3
Red: 2

How we typically close out the night.

We needed to clear the party, fast. Thankfully Schooly always has one of these game types tucked away in case of emergencies.

I'm always surprised how much longer these vehicles last in this game type versus regular ones.

Look, Ma! No pilot!

Seriously, I don't fly these things.

Final Score:
Blue: 14
Red: 8

Once again, another night full of memories was made. To those of you that stuck around and held it in so you wouldn't have to pee during the Epic CTF game, thank you. To those of you who were not able to make it this week, know that you were missed and we better see your asses online next week or the new ULTRA MLG game will be ULTRA MLG EPIC CTF and you will have to play it twice.

Remember! We alternate game nights so our next CCN with be on Friday, May 6th. Until then, rest up and pray we can complete an Epic CTF game in 99.9MB or less.

Love Sometimes,


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CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VIDs*Tex 5/2/11 12:13 a.m.
     Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VNartFOpc 5/2/11 12:24 a.m.
     Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**Vpadraig08 5/2/11 2:02 a.m.
           Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VAvateur 5/2/11 4:45 a.m.
                 Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**Vpadraig08 5/2/11 11:18 a.m.
                       Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VBeckx 5/2/11 11:23 a.m.
                       Re: CCN VI Write Up - The Real VI Write Up*IMGs**VAvateur 5/2/11 11:51 a.m.

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