: You say a game having a bad story (or a lacking one) is worse than being
: filled with glitches? I disagree with that assertion.
I certainly believe so! In Fallout 3's case, for example. I've finished the game over 25 times (Just once with all the DLC though) and spent countless hours on it. I'm familiar with a fair amount of glitches, and the only "Serious" glitch I've stumbled upon was one that corrupted your saved files, but honestly a handful of games have had this sort of issue (Far Cry 2, and in that case the game's story/mechanics were so bad that it killed what little motivation I had to continue playing it).
A smart player will learn to save often in a game as Fallout 3, New Vegas, or Skyrim, due to the lack of auto-saves during free-roam. This aside, there's little that can have an impact on the gameplay; Objects/NPCs getting stuck in Geometry are usually hilarious, and most issues like these aren't worth of harsh feelings.
Unless you have a specific Game/Glitch in mind...?