In Response To: Re: Keyes exploration (Macegac(hh))
: lol mods r cool i got one cause i was so close to getting the flamethrower
: and gravity rifle plus the never before seen trick called drop...where u
: can drop almost any model in the game into the filed...vehicles in hangm
: high for example...were so close to acomplishing this...once we master
: this well be able to use the flamethrowerit is...i repeat it is stilll in
: the game u can acces it tho...the gravity gun for the most part is half
: done seems bungie rushed everything and they forgot to takeout the
: hey did block off the way to get it tho...but this can
: be fixed with drop we can mod levls now....well customize them
: adding trees and rocks
Bungie themselves said that the flamethrower isn't in the map files any longer, no model data, no model or animations to go with a model. I'm sorry but until you give me a movie of the flamethrower in action on the Xbox, you will be a KORHAL.