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SilverBrin****of WP


Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 44
Most Recent Post: 11/13/02 11:35 a.m.

Here I am...
A loyal Bungie fan awaiting the day when the calendars will be changed and time will no longer be understood in B.C and A.D. but rather B.B and A.B. Life after Bungie, will surely be great. Though Bungie has only begun there plan and the world is blooming. The people and their government are under an extreme metamorphosis. No one can see when civilization will take its final form, when humans may exist in a utopia. But one thing is clear…the path towards glory is a long winding road. Many of us are farther along than others. But as we reach our destination, the shining city upon the hill, we will squint in the magnificence. Into focus the letters will come. One by one we may pass into this utopia, and one by one this world will bloom into a perfect harmony. A perfect harmony where each day these letters will strengthen, sustain, and guide us:

For those of you who have found this paradise I welcome you. Halo.Bungie.Org is the right place and you have most likely seen the tru7h. For those of you with questions, we at the Psyjnir Complex will slowly reveal an illustrated epic recording the victories of Bungie. We can only show you the must walk through it.


The tru7h is coming

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