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CHECK THIS OUT!!! --> NorthWest Halo Tournament
Posted By: Mad cow <>Date: 6/9/02 1:29 a.m.

Welcome to the Northwest Regional Halo Tournament! More information (in fancy Q&A form) can be found below. Stayed tuned to this page for changes ...

Current Status: WE NEED A HEAD COUNT BY THIS FRIDAY! If you or your chapter has ANY interest in attending, PLEASE place yourself as tentative!

Last update: 6-8-2002
Why should I come?
Because there will be a cash pot.
Because there will be prizes from Hastings, and from possibly Microsoft and/or Bungie.
Because you want to show off your 3l33t Halo skillz.
Because your team is the best in the Northwest and you want to prove it.

We are only a days drive from Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana. (Granted, it is a LONG days drive from California and Colorado.)

What kind of tournament?
It will be a 4-man tournament. If there is enough interest, we will try to organize additional FFA and/or 8-man tournaments.

Just how much Halo playin are we talking here?
Each team will be guaranteed at least three games in the tournament, not to mention that 16 player exhibition games will be going all day.

How many people will be there?
We expect AT LEAST 50 people to turn out locally, and our goal is to bring in at least 8 out of state chapters.

BUNGIE DAY! 7/7/2002!
July 7th is a Sunday, but if the event gets too big we may expand it to be a Saturday and Sunday event.

Who is organizing this?
HALOID, the biggest Halo chapter in Idaho, and Hastings are teaming up to put this show on.
Location: Boise, Idaho

Is this gonna cost me anything (other than the gas to get there)?
There will probably be a 5-10 dollar registration fee (per player). This money will go towards the grand prize cash pot, the equipment (LAN hubs, TVs, etc), and the unexpected costs we will most definitely incur.

Anything else I should know?
All tournament team games will be played with default Bungie gametypes (with the possible exception of All Vehicles).
No race or rally gametypes will be played in this tournament ... Sorry drivers! We want to see the gore!
Custom gametypes will be played in exhibition games.

"Dude ... this is wack man! You gotta change ________!!!"
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