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HBO Weekly Review
Posted By: Weekly Review <>Date: 3/8/02 5:57 p.m.

HBO Weekly Review
Week Ending March 08, 2002

Straight from Bungie's word-hole

    1. NthDegree256 writes: "A week ago or so, I was playing The Maw on Heroic difficulty just for the practice. I made it to the Engine Room, clambered up to the top, hit the switch, and prepared to rocket the first vent. I fired the rocket in, the big explosion went off..... and a TON of red blood flew out of the vent."
    ferrex: "This is a "feature" that was discovered a little too late to be documented. What you're actually seeing isn't blood... it's dirt. Red dirt. That particular effect does some sort of sampling of the texture color at the point where it originates from... that way, you get yellow sand spray when it hits sand, or brown dirt when it hits dirt. In this case, the vent cores are cherry red from the heat. Those cherry red surfaces are probably (I haven't checked this) of material type "dirt", the default material type. The net result is that, when a grenade or rocket detonates against one of those surfaces, you get a horrifying geyser of blood colored dirt."

    2. Mr Yun writes: "Which brings up an interesting question: why did Bungie choose to use a super soldier who is expected to win against the odds. "
    Matt: "He may be expected to win in usual circumstances, but against the Covenant he's not an unstoppable force by any means."
    Mr Yun continues: "But that wont happen since the man vs machine issue isn't part of Bungies litany. "
    Matt: "Durandal might have something to say about that."

    3. brad writes: "How cool would it be to have a gameshark for the xbox with cheats for halo like infinity health you could get to all sorts of places you werent able to get to before. I know that there is a gameshark for the xbox coming out some time this year but when is it going to come out I can,t wait any longer!!!"
    ferrex: "Yeah, oh boy, I sure hope they release one of these bundles of joy for the XBox.

    Just think how much fun (with a capital F-U-N!) it'll be when you can make yourself invincible, super fast, and have infinite ammo when you're playing net games against other people. Or even better, when they're doing it to you. Can you even imagine the distilled glee you'll feel when your opponent shoots the ground at his feet and kills everyone on the map, excluding himself?

    That, sir, is what I call pure gaming satisfaction.

    It'll be interesting to see the arms race that ensues as developers try to combat Game Shark devices, which would essentially screw general net play and limit games to smaller, trustworthy clusters of people.)"
    brad responds: "can have more FUN!!! What would be more fun than shooting captain keyes with a rocket launcher on the first level come on people if you don,t think shooting captain keyes with a rocket launcher would be fun than you must have a moral problem with shooting people in video games. But I do think that useing codes in a multiplayer battel would be really low."
    ferrex replies: "The developers putting codes and secrets into the game is one thing. Yeah, they're fun.

    The GameShark works on a completely different principle. It alters the game to achieve its effects, and the game developers have absolutely no say in the matter. A developer can restrict their cheats to places where it can do no harm, but that is not true with a GameShark, which would find immediate and extensive use as a tool for cheating in multiplayer.

    So basically, I hope there is never a GameShark for the XBox or any future, online capable console, and I hope that developers are building their online capable games in a robust fashion that prevents the use of a GameShark in the event that one is released."

    4. In a post (by mnemesis), candyman remarks about this picture
    candyman: "Regarding scrn_084.jpg, you're going to have to scrutinize very closely to find this one. The hippo was all over the place. This image can only be found in one location. I'll be surprised if this is discovered by Easter."

    5. ElectricSheep writes: "scrn_084.jpg is....Captain Keyes' Pipe!!!"
    candyman: "I will let you know when you have found it. You have not found it yet."
    After which, candyman (seems to) recant with: "Okay, so Electric Sheep discovered what the image was, and Amechwarrior/Strykerwolf get credit for discovering the location, and hence, the punch line. Yes, the Easter comment was figurative. I really did have utmost confidence in this crew. However - I still haven't seen anyone get scrn_081.jpg right yet. ((sfx: the clatter of numerous xbox contollers being picked up))"

    Joseph chimes in (the same post) with: "Keep in mind that taking a screen-shot of the pipe in it's actual location will in fact reveal my final, oh-so-carefully placed easter-egg (unlike "Mr. Food-Nipple" and the "Legendary Finale", I think Marty and Tyson are the only people who have actually seen the pipe in question). All well and good, mind you. But I think it would be great if someone merely described where it is, and then let everyone find it themselves. One hint: keep your sniper-rifle from "outside". The 40x zoom is really helpful."

    And Marty adds: "Yep, you can even clearly see the logo on it, just don't turn on your flashlight."

    6. Omnicient writes: "Well, hell, I posted a message over Orson Scott Card's site (, don't know how to do links) regarding this whole 343 GS ordeal. Maybe someone over there can confirm it — be it true or false. Marty could just be screwin' with us."
    Marty the Elder: "First of all, this question was asked on my own little (but mighty) 7th Column site and my answer was not "cleared" for public consumption. Secondly, my sense of humor is sometimes a bit obtuse and therefore I'll just come right out and say that it was all a stream of consciousness joke. From now on I'll leave that kind of thing to the Bungie Webmaster who is much better at it. Just to be clear, Ender's Game has absolutely no reference to 343 Guilty Spark. (Although I'm sure the Bible says something about truth and reconciliation someplace). ------ JOKE!!!"

    Louis Wu responds: "That'll teach US..."
    Marty the Elder: "Louis, I thought you got my slightly senile sense of humor."

    And ferrex chimes in with: "Shouldn't that read "found my senility slightly humorous"?

Wu is me!

    1. "That's 3 minutes I can never get back... *NM*" (referring to this)

Loph-ty Ideas

    1. "These "reference-laden letters" were cool... back in 1997. They get a little old (like Marty)."

Flood of Interesting Stuff
FrogBlast continues his climbing escapades with On Top of The Maw - See how he did it.

Liquidex writes: One more note regarding the Human/Forerunner Link - "Apparently Human history is 343GS's "lost time". Personally, I can't help but wonder if that's the smoking gun right there-- I mean regardless of the graphical connections of the Covenant in terms of symbols and computer interfaces and what not, can there really be any doubt after he says something like this? "

Razorback posts: HALO Movie? - A lengthy thread here.

fAllen posts: All the answers! i think i have somthing here.... - "My first theory is that the flood were produced as vaccines, possibly some kinda of antidote to a disease that plagued the forunner. I think this not only because GS claims their survival as a race was dependent on it, but mostly because GS is gratefull they are still alive. Well the flood have no significance to GS, other than his objective is to destroy them."

Clefton Twain posts: Master Chief Origins - "When GS said this, it sounded like he was saying it in the vein of "Oh, this is what you call yourself these days?" It also looks like 343 GS is catching up since the last time MC and GS "visited" with each other."

Warbow posts: Clones? (FoR *SP*) - "Seems like UNC is pretty good at this cloning process. They can fool parents with clones and they can even transfer memories with some success. Why not just train the clones of these ?perfect children?? Why the need for the original children other than the genetic material to clone from? "

Warbow posts: Sentinels vs. Covenant *SP* - "Why are the Sentinels attacking the Covenant? Seems pointless if it is just because they released the Flood. 343 GS could clearly see that they tried to lock the Flood back up. So why waste your Sentinels on them? "

Warbow posts: New theory...way out there...but good! *SP* - "Humans are previous Forerunners, survivors who were on one of the Halos during the last activation, They did not approve of the destruction of all sentient life. They left the Halo and landed on Earth and restarted their lives at a lower level of technology. They have long forgotten their past and are now expanding back into the universe. The reason no one was living on the Halo Installation number 4 is because it was a research facility and all the research on the Flood was completed thousands of years ago. "

Razorback is almost there, but there looms one obstacle...

It was a stark and dormy night...ummm..oh well, Halo fanfic entries this week

    1. Velker continues his saga this week: Halo 2: The Forerunner Chronicle Part V
    2. Shadow also continues his saga this week: The Renegade Marines Part II - The Revolt
    3. Matthew Stewart Screpetis submits: Durandal's Mission and The Journey Home
    4. SkyRyan1 submits: A Child's Poem and The MotherWorld
    5. bikeman704 submits: PostHalo Chapter 1
    6. Ian Barnes continues his saga this week: Operation False Prophets, Chapter Four: Shadow Among the Shadows

I want my HTv!
FrogBlast is at it again: Warthog on Pillar, Maw, and Banshee... - "A Louis special, the top Maw time, and a banshee switch. What else could you want?"

Off the Mark
Enzyver posts Web page and movie (OT) - A good thread if you want tips on making/hosting movies.

Quotes of the Week
"oh no, i suck... well, i knew this before " - kowa

"I don't .. . know. . .. too confusing. .. it's like if a tree falls in the woods and i'm not around does it crush the beaver . . " - FrogBlast

"WTF does *NM* mean? dammit I see this and want to read a message but theres none there!" - Elvish Archer

Trolling Through the Park One Day...
Wow. No trolls to speak of this week. That's gotta be a first!

How to be a Jerk in Co-op

    (No new submissions)
    1. "If you use the plasma rifle against the flood, and you are... say... 30ft ahead of your friend... the flood usually fall, but do not die, as a result of the plasma rifle fire. (This is assuming you stop firing at their bodies after they fall down.) So as your friend is following you, suddenly all the flood you shot down should pop up to say "hi" to your co-op buddy." - FrogBlast

    2. "Let your buddy ride the elevator halfway down, then hit X to bring it back up. Your buddy will promptly slip through the floor of the elevator and fall to his death." - Warbow

    3. "kill your coop-er while you are in a banshee. when you fly, you are going too fast for them to respawn. now to really stiff them, land at the highest point possible or better yet crash into a high wall. when you crash, your speed will be low enough that the person respawns in midair and will fall and fall and fall. repeat as necessary." - Tirion of *WP*

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HBO Weekly ReviewWeekly Review 3/8/02 5:57 p.m.
     As they say, w00t. *NM*vector40 3/8/02 7:35 p.m.

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