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HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*
Posted By: Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316) <>Date: 10/24/12 5:43 a.m.

After a long hiatus, our heroes return to find Halloween in danger. How will HBO save Halloween? Hell if I know, lets play Halo.

Here's what we're playing:

Because randoms seem to love quitting, we're going to try and keep it HBO vs. HBO as much as we can.

2-6 players - Alternate between Invasion and Multi-Team.
7-8 players - Alternate between BTB and Team/Super Slayer.
9-10 players - Team Objective.
11-12 players - Invasion and Multi-Team.
13-16 players - BTB.

Here's how to play:

I'll be on at 8PM EST. Much like Revenant does on other MM night, if you're on my friends list and are playing Reach I'll invite you.

If you're not on my friends list and one of your friends is in the party, get them to invite you.

If you're not on my list and none of your friends are in the party, either post here with your GamerTag, or send a message to SNIPE 316 on LIVE and I'll invite you.

- Any HBO member can join.
- First come, first serve!
- Don't be an iMonkey! We would like to play the DLC sometimes, and it only takes one person to ruin that.
- If you have any clips or screens, put them in your fileshare. Revenant is working on a failtage and would appreciate your fails!

Snipasuarus Rex, the party is full... wut do?

Either wait patiently for a slot to open up, or reply here to see if anyone else that couldn't get in would like to join you in another party.

Message Index


HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316) 10/24/12 5:43 a.m.
     Bwhahahahaha!padraig08 10/24/12 12:07 p.m.
     Re: HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*Kermit 10/24/12 1:12 p.m.
     Awwww yeah.LostSpartan987 10/24/12 2:23 p.m.
     Re: HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*Pkmnrulz240 10/24/12 4:59 p.m.
     Re: HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*Apirishin 10/26/12 7:57 a.m.
           Re: HBO MM night - 10/25/12. *Team Halloween*Pkmnrulz240 10/26/12 6:49 p.m.

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