For those having trouble with getting the weekly with Eli's PoA tutorial, or on New Alexandria/LNoS... here is a VERY easy method that will get it in 20 minutes on Heroic difficulty.
Whipped up this video to help the average Reach player get this challenge pretty easily:
This way, in my opinion, is not only simple, but much less stressful than the other ones.
To earn this:
1. Load up ONI Sword base on Heroic, all skulls on EXCEPT Tilt, Blind, Cowbell, and Black Eye.
2. Kill the grunt gunners on a wraith
3. Hijack a wraith (plasma pistol, or running at it).
4. Punch top off then kill driver
5. Head to AA area, kill all enemies
6. Do NOT activate AA gun, instead, simply kill the Phantoms as they will not shoot at you and respawn. With this method, you'll get just under 10,000 points per Phantom kill.