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Posted By: Schooly D <>Date: 8/18/09 11:21 a.m.

In Response To: IBO Beach Party (Jillybean)

I no write good, so here list of things and inside-joke fuel:

- rets is an extremely awesome person for hosting this thing. It really went off incredibly well and I can't remember the last time I had as much fun during a weekend. Big ups.

- Wendy's is an extremely awesome fast food chain for giving Alexion and DominoEffect Triple Cheese Burgers to mitigate their rage and keep them from killing me after I made them drive through like 12 hours of New York traffic to get to the party.

- If you're playing football in the water and Jynx picks you up out of it and slams you back into it, maybe it's time to run your routes in a different direction.

- The IBO Beach Party Bonfire presents, the second verse of Green Day's "Time of Your Life": NNN AN NANA NA NA NAAAAN NA, NA NA NA NA~A. HNN NAA NAA NA NA NA NANN NA NA NA NAAAAA. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your liiife.

- I don't understand how people can object to a beer that has the bold and rich taste of Miller Genuine Draft with only 64 calories.

- Furhman.

- Mig is like the internet dad I never had.

- Ferrying to and from the beach to the house was laborious, but I think it provided some very interesting and funny memories. Memories such as Alexion, Jilly, and Mig tearfully casting off and promptly spinning around in the middle of the creek. Or rets and myself rowing Furhman ("rowing" = "fuck it, let's get out and push").

- January 2009: "We should have an IBO Beach Party. No computers, no xboxes, no internet, just IBO peeps and nature."

- May 2009: "We should probably take an xbox or two just to placate the people that need technology, you know."

- July 2009: "Ok, get together a list of how many xboxes and displays people are bringing. What about speakers?"

- August 14 2009, after 2 hours w/out internet: "Ok, after mounting and configuring the AirPort, we've successfully repeated the neighbor's unsecured wireless internet!" Everyone: "INTERNET! THANK GOD!"

- What it says: "apply to seal up open cuts." What it means: "apply to inflict as much pain as physically possible."

- As much as I hate to admit it, hp's Facing Worlds map is really fun and really well-made. Big thanks to Jilly for not killing anyone so Jynx, rets and I had more targets, which I'm sure was her intention.

- The Sand Hill is a large hill of sand on the side of the bay opposite Beach Schooly D (seen in the background ), about a 15-20 minute boat ride. It's about 50 feet tall (which you climb via an 80% incline made of soft sand) and overlooks the water. It would have been very romantic except Infinite Seven was sitting too far away from me.

- rets beat me 10-4 in Halo 1 on Chill Out, but that doesn't count because Chill Out's a dumb map anyway.

- Truf Or Dare sessions with females always leave me with more questions than answers about the fairer sex.

Quotes Of The Event (TM)


"Damn it! Look! It's that damn seagull (Frank) again!"
Mostly me

"Twitter update: you just got OWNED!"

*8 lumberjacks cutting trees with chainsaws while snoring*
Miguel snoring

"Some friends and I watched Battlefield Earth..."
"Battlefield Earth? What were you, stoned?"
"No!!! We were drunk."
Me, Alexion

"You twit."

Huge thank you to everyone who made it, by car or by plane.
Alexion - Thank you for braving the rough drive to make it. It was great to finally get to meet you, and I know my sentiments are echoed by everyone else there.
Domino - Thanks for pulling the strings you did to get yourself to the party. Your sharp wit and sharper sniper kept me humble through the event.
Infinite - Thanks for finally getting on the right train and adding yourself into the mix. It was our first time meeting and you did not disappoint. Hopefully you can make it out to more of these shindigs.
Jilly - Thank you for escaping the Queen's watchful eye and making it across the pond. It was great to see you again, and if you didn't go then we would've had to rename it the 2009 IBO Sausage Fest.
Miguel - Thank you for being the father figure and providing for us. Speakers, food, internet... you really went out of your way to keep this a well-oiled event, and it is definitely appreciated.
Furhman - I love you.
Jynx - Thank you for bringing yourself. You're a great person to be around, and if it weren't for you then Team Schooly D might have won the football game. That last part is on behalf of everyone who never would have heard the end of it from me.
Nof - Thank you for coming and, like the archetypal hero, reluctantly accepting the title of Beach Grillmaster, lighting the fire and saving the beach party from being called on a count of hunger.
Rets - Thank you thank you thank you for putting this all together. None of this would've happened without you. Now get back to practicing robot fightin'.

You all made the party as fun as it was, and I really hope we can do something similar in the future.

Message Index


IBO Beach PartyJillybean 8/18/09 4:09 a.m.
     Re: IBO Beach PartyGeneral Vagueness 8/18/09 9:01 a.m.
     Glad you packed a suit, mate.SonofMacPhisto 8/18/09 10:10 a.m.
     Recipes. There are recipes in this write up. *NM*Stuntmutt 8/18/09 10:58 a.m.
           The Recipe for Nof's Gobbleburgersnof 8/18/09 8:23 p.m.
                 Thank you!Jillybean 8/19/09 10:05 a.m.
     Re: IBO Beach PartyMiguel Chavez 8/18/09 10:59 a.m.
           Weeeeeeeeeeee! Ctfnof 8/18/09 8:27 p.m.
     ThingsSchooly D 8/18/09 11:21 a.m.
           Brofist *NM*retsamolah 8/18/09 12:38 p.m.
           Re: ThingsDominoEffect 8/18/09 2:24 p.m.
                 Re: Thingsurk 8/18/09 7:34 p.m.
                       Re: ThingsDominoEffect 8/21/09 3:12 a.m.
                             Re: Thingsurk 8/21/09 10:09 a.m.
                                   DominoTheory/DominoEffect *NM*Cocopjojo 8/21/09 11:17 a.m.
           Re: ThingsKP 8/18/09 6:40 p.m.
     Wait...Ross Mills 8/18/09 4:43 p.m.

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