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E3 and Halo. I've played Halo for 5 hours at E3
Posted By: The_Spoon <>Date: 5/20/01 11:13 p.m.

Let me just start off by saying that E3 was ammazing. I have to addmit that I was Against the X-Box from the begining and was hating the fact that Halo was going to come out for a console first.

Sinners REPENT!!!! IT WAS Great. I was a non Believer in any FPS being able to be controled well by a Controler. Let me just say WOW!! After playing for 5-10 minutes I was already loving the Control setup on Halo. I can't comment for the other E3'er perspective on the "poor controls" all I can say is that he probably didn't give them a chance and got frustrated and left. I have been a PC FPS for Years and know the power on the Mouse and Keyboard Combo. Let me say that being on the top 10 in clans for CS open on the World Ogl I know what good competition is in the land of the FPS. Now let me say that after playing for a few hours on the x-box I feel confident that I could give any PC mouse and Keyboard player a Run for their money. In fact I'd probably take their money and run circles around them taunting them for hours while they tried to kill me. Ok ok... maybe not run circles around them.. but you get my point. Bungie Congrats you have pulled it off like I didn't believe was possible. I played for a total of about 5 hours on halo and I was the only gamer there to Play and beat both of the Playable Missions on a single life (Granted probably most people didn't play on halo as long as I did.. but hey I wanted to stock up on my halo because I won't be able to play it for a long while)

I was probably one of the biggest X-box/halo Critics going in to e3 and it didn't take long for me to change my tune. I feel it is my Duty to the gaming comunity to Give as in depth an Anayalis For the Benifit of all the Gamers who wern't able to make it to E3.

To comment on the fact that another E3'er said Halo was "jerky at some points" let me say the all the Games at e3 running on the X-box were Running on DEV-Kits of the X-box... functioning at 50-60% Capeabilities. Also there was only 1 Glitch on Halo (single player not Multiplayer) when you rounded a corner in the jeep it loaded a whole nother Beach head and Complex. The Glitch lasted for about 2 jerky secconds and then it was back to Silky Smoothness.

One of the missions in halo has you flying over the water with another Drop ship comming upon a beachhead. Your 2 drop ships touch down and you and your marine Force Jump out right into a Fire fight. Your Marines (and You) start assaulting a group for aliens (mixed Elites and Grunts along with another Shield Baring race) Small groups of Marines worked Amazingly together assaulting the Bigger (covenent) force. Throwing Grenades Securing cover Flanking the Deployable Shields that the alians at Set up. The Marine Al was Truely amazing!

One of the Times I played the Mission I assualted the Beachhead and took out all the Aliens but much to my dismay the Enemy had taken out none of my Marines!! I kicked my self for Utterly destroying the Covenent so Efficiently. I said "Damn now where am I going to get the Ammo for my Assault Rifle" (you start with 120 rounds but can pick up about 600 total rounds from dead Marines at the end of the beachhead assault). To my luck a Bungie Representitive was watching me play and sugested that I could Liberate some of my Living Marines of their Ammo. I though Hey not a bad idea I'll just kill off some marines. Ya I know its a little cold but hey I thought I could make better use of the ammo then they could. I also knew that to survive the entire Mission I was goint to need my total 600 rounds unless I wanted to trade in my Assault rifle for a Covenent Plasma Rifle. I was in a mood to keep my assault Rifle so I ran over to a marine and Mowed him down. I ran over his body and only got 180 rounds. "Drat I said now I have to kill more marines." The Bungie Rep told me that it wouldn't be wise to try and kill another marine because while in battle they will allow for Friendly fire ( ie accept the fact that a few marined might get killed by FF without retailiating) they Wouldn't stand for you killing more then one after we'd secured our position. Another Dropship Flew over and Droped off a Warthog (The Mini-gun Jeep) and a Marine Jumped in as Gunner and waited for me to Drive us Foward for the next part off the Mission. Ok I thought I can Take care of a few Peskey Marines I mean come on I just killed a ton of Covenent what could 6 marines hope to do. Well as soon as I fired on another marine the Formed up and Started to Flank my Cover and my Mini Gunner (whome I didn't think would turn against me) Filled me with a couple hundred holes. The halo Rep chuckled and said "I warned ya."

I had to start over and this time I held back a bit to make sure that some of my marines would die. I got my 600 Rounds + 4 Frag Grens + 4 Plasma Grenades and Jumped into the Warthog. Also contrary to my fellow E3'er perspective the driving controls worked great. After about 2 or 3 times at trying my hand at driving I was able to Navigate myself through the Trees and Rocks and stumps and Rally like a pro Running down many a Alien Under my Beefy Tires. I Drove the Jeep around half the island to an Alien Structure that had a massive Deck/platform set into the face of a clif. I pulled up on the Deck as my Mini gunner started Letting the Covenent Try and play a fun little game of "Dodge the Mini-Gun" at close range.

I hopped out of the Jeep and Ran in a side door as to set up a little cross fire for some Covenent Elites between me and my Mini-Gunner Side Kick. As the Covenent Elite Started to Fall Back to seek cover I lobbed a few Beautifuly Placed Plasma Grenades into their cover. One thing you learn very Quickly is that any Covenent Elite left unpursued will seek cover to regenerate their shields while another shielded Elitle will cover it. So any time you see a Covenent Elite Trying to Retreat Your best bet is to Charge it Down before it can Regenerate its Shields.

With my perfect placement of Plasma Grenades and Flowing accompaniment of my assault Rifle I made swift work of most of the covenent as I made my way deeper into the Unknown Complex. That is untill I ran into to Covenent Heavies. They may be big and slow but they have a Huge armour Plated sheild and a Gun that I think is a mix between a Rocket launcher and a Grenade launcher. You have to be careful around these the Heavies they can make quick work of you if you stumble upon them before you see them.

Eventualy I made my way to the control center (soem of you might remember form the halo videos the Halographic Projecter.. thats the place). My Suit AI informed me to get the hell outa there because the Covenent where bringing in backup.

I made my way back up through the complex and through Multiple Ambushes that were almost then end of me (thank god I saved some of those Plasma Grenades).
Just as i saw the Light of Day a covenent Drop ship came in and Unloaded no-one... well thats what I thought at first. The basdards were Cloked!!! Damn 6-8 Covenent Elites all Cloked completely. The effect is similar to a predator 2 Cloaking look. Where it skinda looks like light being bent around something. Depending of what is behiend them and if they are moving they can be very hard to Fight. Hurray for picking up 4 more Plasma Grens from a Covenent Elite I just had killed.

Darting in and out almost got me killed as the cloaked aliens Tried to slip behiend me while a pair Flanked me. at the last seccond I Fell back into a coridor and behiend a wall as they closed. Right then I let lose all my Plasma Grenades and Charged out to mop up the scene. I finshed them off by the Skin on my Teeth just as a Marine Dropship Flew in. I hopped in and we flew off into the sunset :)

I'll post again on what I thought about gameplay aspects of the Other mission Tomorrow.

Bungie you RULE. They really pulled it all off Perfectly and the game isn't even really polished. I can't wait to get my hands on it when they realse it.

They only flaw I saw was the Fact that the Reload Button is the same as Switch weapon if you are standing over another weapon. This can cause problems if you are in a fight with bodies at your feet because you go to reaload your assault rifle and pick up a Plasma Pistol. But all in all VERY impressive.

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E3 and Halo. I've played Halo for 5 hours at E3The_Spoon 5/20/01 11:13 p.m.
     Thank you. *NM*Harry 5/20/01 11:27 p.m.
     Re: Console Control - great news!Ph.D. 5/20/01 11:30 p.m.
     Sweet! Thanks for writing all that! (nt) *NM*Ilium Rise 5/20/01 11:34 p.m.
     Re: E3 and Halo. I've played Halo for 5 hours at EKoontzy 5/21/01 12:02 a.m.
           Re: E3 and Halo. I've played Halo for 5 hours at EHarry 5/21/01 1:04 a.m.
                 And for those who don`t know...Djof 5/21/01 8:06 a.m.
     a lot of info! thanks a lot =o) *NM*DeAdLy_cOokiE 5/21/01 8:38 a.m.
     and..DeAdLy_cOokiE 5/21/01 9:16 a.m.
           Adding to The_Spoon and some more answersRyan Parsons 5/22/01 6:50 p.m.

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