This is the trailer to my upcoming Halo 2 film that takes place solely in the Gauss Warthog entitled "The Gaussness." All my footage takes place in Ranked BTB when it was still around. No Customs. No Guests. I have clips ranging from the highest multiple killamanjaro's to last second bomb plants. I finished recording the gameplay almost 2 years ago. It has been a long journey to this day and it is still progressing. That is why I made this thread along with the debut trailer. I have been documenting the project since its original concept of it initially being a Montage/Documentary with Tony Muzzatti aka NutsaQer. Tony and I split ways in December of 2007 after a year of working on the film.
If you are interested in the story and how it has unfolded over the year into the present day, visit the website at: where you can follow the film from its initial birth. For those who don’t read the story basically the cliff notes are I have had this gameplay for over two years and I been trying to make it work with countless people but every time it seems to fail. I decided to take matters into my own hands and put it all together from scratch. I got my good friend in real life Jimmy a.k.a Surge Ery editing the project along with some extra help from Muddawg with some Photoshop work. Expect the final project to be released in the Summer of ’08.
Trailer Debut of The Gaussness (Click to Download)