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Re: Interview with Tyson Green on online gaming
Posted By: Drakkari <>Date: 12/29/06 10:13 a.m.

In Response To: Interview with Tyson Green on online gaming (Coffin Joe)

I posted my thoughts on a particular part on another forum, so I'll just say it here too...

It shows Bungie's way of thinking when it comes to online gaming, and because of this thinking, I'm glad it's Bungie developing my favorite FPS.

One quote that really struck me was,

-GP: Halo 2 is very accessible. Beyond ranked matchmaking, how can developers make online games more accessible?

GREEN: Fundamentally, know thy audience. Is your target broad appeal and a casual audience? Then level out your learning curve, beware of unnecessary complexity, and keep the required time investment short. If you're comfortable targeting a more hardcore audience, then you can make your learning curve steeper, and add some complexity to the game that gives it longevity. But when you design a game for the hardcore, but try to pass it off to casual gamers, it's a disaster! The casual gamers don't want to play an hour long game, and the hardcore players resent the dumbing down.

It is so true. I was a hardcore fan of Halo 1's MP, and I will admit there are only a couple things about Halo 2's online portion that I would have changed, but never did I resent Bungie for it. I loved, and still do love, Halo 2 online. I strongly believe that those 'hardcore' people who complained about Halo 2 are simply being selfish. It's as if they believe that Bungie was supposed to cater to their needs, and their needs only. This is why I've always hated those guys, and enjoyed Halo 2 for what it was, and still is...a really great f***in' online FPS! I empathize with Bungie having to get grief from so many stupid selfish players.

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Interview with Tyson Green on online gamingCoffin Joe 12/29/06 2:37 a.m.
     Haven't seen it before, thanks for the heads-up! *NM*3Suns 12/29/06 3:16 a.m.
     Re: Interview with Tyson Green on online gamingDrakkari 12/29/06 10:13 a.m.

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