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MC vince


Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 40
Most Recent Post: 3/28/06 5:18 p.m.

Well, what can I say about me? Well, when it comes to Halo, I am a mad fanatic; so much so, I probably need to become a member of haloer's anonymous. ;)

At the moment I am at a sixth form/college doing sociology, psychology, and I am soon to be doing politics. I don't have a job yet, but schools still important to me, and more importantly it gives me more time to read up on HBO ;).

I'm usually a relaxed chilled out kind of guy who can be funny, but be warned, my sense of humour can be a bit weird at times, so if I offend you anyway, just let me know, and I’ll see what I can do for you.

Me on the forum; I don't tend to post that much, but when I do it's probably a weird idea about Halo's story line, or something I often wonder about within Halo. I also try to help out where I can, if I can help people out when they ask, I will. I do make other types of posts, but there the most common ones.

Anyone is quite welcome to e-mail me at the above address if they want to, although if you e-mail me put HBO in the subject title, as I am a bit weary of viruses if I'm unsure who it's off. If you prefer you can also msn me, my msn name is MC vince and I use the same e-mail address for that.

Best of luck, and I hope you have a good day.

MC vince

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