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Re: IGN says NV20
Posted By: nexZDate: 3/12/01 3:34 p.m.

In Response To: IGN says NV20 (Dead Glory)

: Halo: Well, uh, "duh". Anyone who had doubts about this puppy being
: shown, shouldn't even be calling themselves an Xbox fan. Supposedly, the
: latest version running off the NV20 chipset will be there, and that is
: said to look much better than the previous PC shots that have been
: released. While you're waiting for Monday, why not read our preview.

: Wasn't NV20 the GF3 chipset? That would mean that either they would remake
: the engine another time to max the NV2A, but then they would not have
: time. Or they doesn't wanna make it harder to port to the PC/Mac so they
: max the GF3?

Remember that the NV27 (the chip that will be going in the Xbox) was only completed a few weeks ago, and the final shipping version still isn't ready.


Message Index


Gamestock at IgnRazorback 3/12/01 2:02 p.m.
     IGN says NV20Dead Glory 3/12/01 3:02 p.m.
           Re: IGN says NV20nexZ 3/12/01 3:34 p.m.
                 Re: IGN says NV20Dead Glory 3/12/01 4:39 p.m.

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