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Mr Tree


Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 47
Most Recent Post: 4/23/01 4:11 a.m.

And the holy one decreed,
"We shall go forth and the ones known as guamies shall be smitten and smitten they shall become."
And with this they all, in accordance with the holy writings, jumped twice and ate their yams.

...."and let there be bobs, for which praise shall be sung and yams eaten. They shall go forth into the world and multipy. They shall be the ones who will be shooting and driving and being the bearers of ammuntion. They shall be the ones behind and in front. They shall be the ones beside and above. They shall be the ones with the big dakka and the 'phunck, swoosh. They shall be the bearers of the slain and of the bearers of the heroic. They shall be the ants in the grass and the gods above. Go now, and these men and women will made themselves know."

The covie sensed something. Nothing read on his bio scanner, apart from a couple of the local life forms and some of the plant life. He decided to fall back and wait for reinforcements, yes back to the tree line. He glanced from side to, watching for movement and slowly walked back wards to the trees. After reaching the first of the tree, he couched down behind one. He waited, he checked his ammo. Suddenly he sensed it again. The same feeling. The wind picked up, whislting some thing to him. Something odd, something evil. It whispered to him, softly but he couldn't work out what it was. Finally in object horror he realised what was being said. "Ohh East Timor." But before he could react, the tree he was sheltering under had picked him up and dismembered him.

His crushed body was found in the middle of the forest. The marines didn't know what had happened to him but maybe this planet had intelligent life after all....

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