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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 2
Most Recent Post: 3/6/01 11:47 a.m.

Real Name: David Candland

Current Bungie Employee and long-time Bungie fan. My first Bungie experience was playing the Marathon Demo in the computer lab at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. (A kewpie doll to the first person that emails me and tells me their favorite part about the Marathon scenario I have on the Trilogy box set.)

I'm 34 and now live with my wife and *five* kids in a rural dairy community in Washington.

My nickname has been CandyMan since I was in the 1st grade. Since then, a bad song, an even worse movie and a scandalous porn ring have tried to smear my good name. I hadn't given up on it until some dorkbrain took it for his XBOX Live gamertag. Now I'm looking for a new identity. I think I have one, but I won't reveal it until I can secure it in Live.

Frog blast the vent core.

Bungie Net

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