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I've Officially Gone Mad
Posted By: Metatron <>Date: 9/29/04 11:31 a.m.

This will be my last thread, hopefully, which is dedicated to the sole purpose of showing the abnormal “coincidences” one can find on the MP maps. While I was playing Hang Em High last night, I noticed the map's description, which said, “Tombstones for Everybody.” Well, being the kind of person that looks far too deeply at every little detail, as some have said, I decided to count how many tombstones were on the map. What I found was interesting, to say the least.

There are 68 tombstones on the MP map Hang Em High. Of course, that number by itself isn’t interesting. However, when you subtract 68 from 75, which is the number of Spartan II’s (75 Spartans), then you get the number 7 ... that’s not the abnormal part. At the end of First Strike there are 7 Spartan II’s who aren’t listed as KIA/MIA, which would leave 68 of the original Spartan IIs dead or MIA (Spartans never die:), hence there being 68 tombstones! One can easily find that the Master Chief, Will, Linda, and Fred are alive at the end of First Strike, but that would only add up to 4 Spartans II's. However, when you add to this small group the “3 Spartans who weren’t present for the PoA mission because they were engaged on fields of combat too distant to be easily recalled (p.240, TFoR), then one comes up with the number of Spartans in the Halo universe, which would be 7, that aren’t listed as MIA/KIA.

"He (the MC) paused at Kelly's name. John listed her as MIA, too."(p.334, FS)

7 known surviving Spartan II’s, 68 KIA/MIA Spartan II’s, 68 tombstones in Hang Em High, which is on a Halo... just another crazy coincidence? In order for Bungie to have the foresight to put something like this in the game, it be quite amazing. Of course, something like this doesn’t add to the story, or make the game play any better, if that’s possible. I believe this is just one of the many small details one could find Bungie placing throughout the games and books just so they could say, "Yes, we are the collective genius that you all imagine."

Jamie Griesemer (Halo 2 Design Lead) -
“All through Halo 1 we were putting in hooks for Halo 2. Almost nothing in Halo 1 was random. I think a lot of people are going to play Halo 2 and then go back and play Halo 1, because they’ll see a lot of things they didn’t see before.”(p.222)

Whether this will interest the masses, or not, and there is the slight chance that I miscounted, I thought it was something worth mentioning. Oh, make sure to count the tombstones on the map several times before posting the inevitable, “I only counted 67 tombstones.” A little advise... mark each counted tombstone with a plasma shot in order to not get confused:-)

- Metatron

Message Index


I've Officially Gone MadMetatron 9/29/04 11:31 a.m.
     Re: I've Officially Gone MadHikaru-119 9/29/04 11:38 a.m.
           Re:Nice find *NM*thunderhawk555 9/29/04 11:41 a.m.
           Re: I've Officially Gone MadMetatron 9/29/04 11:42 a.m.
                 I got 71... And I'm sure I did it right... *NM*Stefander 9/29/04 12:11 p.m.
                       Others Confirmed 68...Metatron 9/29/04 12:19 p.m.
                             Re: Others Confirmed 68...kingphreak 9/29/04 1:08 p.m.
                       I got 68 *nm*mercury 9/29/04 1:09 p.m.
     Re: I've Officially Gone MadAin Soph Aur 9/29/04 1:24 p.m.
           Re: I've Officially Gone MadMetatron 9/29/04 4:34 p.m.
     You're either insane, or f*cking genius. *NM*Recoil 9/29/04 1:43 p.m.
           Re: You're either insane, or f*cking genius.Gothmog117 9/29/04 8:36 p.m.
     Re:Dom Dunc 9/29/04 3:17 p.m.
     Re: I've Officially Gone Madvshields ash 9/29/04 5:15 p.m.
     Holy Sh*t it does make sense. Tombstone 4 Evrybody *NM*Someone 9/29/04 5:56 p.m.

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