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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 74
Most Recent Post: 9/30/04 3:03 p.m.

I'm 17 and I AM CANADIEN.
my interests consist of Halo, video games, long walks on the beach and watching people squirm to try and free them selves from the chair i just duct tape them too. muhahahahahaha

yeah the link will take you to website that talks about my Halo table top Game called Halo: Ordinance (think warhammer or magkinght)
i would love to here your feedback on it.
an awsome quote i picked up
"I go to collect my debt from those who truly owe me, but I leave you with a message: look at the pestilence I have brought, and see I am merely a wave in a rising tide. The darkness is coming, and your flames will be extinguished. Know that I wish you luck, tribesmen, but that I already lament your death."
a little creepy but still cool

Now leave!

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