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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 2
Most Recent Post: 3/9/04 8:13 p.m.

What can i say?
Graduated from Georgia Tech with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in December '01.

I've been working for a construction company since February '02. We've been working on some fairly small projects (3-4 month duration) at various sites around the East coast (and by East Coast, I mean states east of the Mississippi river). As of September of 2003, I have been relocated to Fresno, CA, where I'm currently at work building the new courthouse. This place is a long way from Arlington (both geographically and culturally) let me tell ya.

Grew up in Richmond, VA, and consider Atlanta, GA to be my home, but Fresno is the place where i keep my stuff these days.

I own Xbox, Gamecube, and of course a fairly nice PC. Been gaming for a long time, though I only returned to this after graduating from College. Money makes the game world go round.

Don't know what it is, but before Halo (bought January 4, 2002) no other game could hold my interest for more than a couple of months. And here i am, still obsessed with the damn thing. When will it loose it's grip on my poor soul.

E-mail's gtopie301[at], msn name is the same as my forum name. Give me a holler if there's something you want to know.

First post on HBO: 11/8/02

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