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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 43
Most Recent Post: 11/30/03 4:42 p.m.

Well, it is a long story getting tot his point.

*lets out a deep breath*

OK, I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley in L.A. county.
I graduated (in my own way) from John H. Francis Polytechnic High School.
College didn't work out for me. (Animal House lied)
I had a two year lay over in Las Vegas.
I now live in Central Oregon....... for now.

My job? I work on cars.

My Halo contributions? None really, other than my public support. (which I do a lot)

My HBO contributions? Ok, there are a few. And admitedly not all are good. LOL

1) The Yellow Banshee! Yep sorry to say it was me. Now to be clear, at the time a guy named KORHAL was spinning stoies that even Frogblast couldn't do. I simply chimed in one time and said "Yes,I was there playing along with KORHAL... bla bla bla.... and by the way a Yellow Banshee flew by.." I had no idea it would grow as big as it did.

2)Halo movies. I made 3. Inspired by Randy Glass, I submitted Hurricane Halo, Built Ford Tough, and The Castle.

3)I have contributed a few laughs to the forum with semi-misleading posts. I have been known to go on a rant or 2 (in the style of Dennis Miller of course).

4)I have written a few stories and posted a few hidden meaning puzzles, just to get the forum thinking or hating, or loving, or laughing,.... whatever. I just like to generate emotion in here. There is a list somewhere of all my goofy stories.

5)Tricks? Well, Hurricane Halo had a few new stunts, never before seen stuff, but nothing totally great. I discussed the idea first about catching the overshield in mid flight and making it to the bottom of Damnation. I was one of the first to discuss what came to be known as "telebumping" (thanks to my brother).

So all in all..... yes, I feel comfortable with a well rounded career in HBO. I have met Louis once, and look FWD to meeting Miguel. i want to try to attend a major event where a lot of forum regulars show up and be part of one of those group pics!!!! damnit! he he he

That's about it. if anyone has questions, feel free to e-mail me at any time. I reply to all messages. And MSN says if I don't actually start to use my box, even a little, they are going to close my account. So just one letter helps...

Have a great day.


P.S."Don't start a new thread!"

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