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Nice one!*NM*
Posted By: BLown-Upp -on a old Mac- <>Date: 8/19/03 3:05 p.m.

In Response To: HBO Weekly Review (Weekly Review)

Cooco for kokopuffs!

: HBO Weekly Review

: Week Ending Sunday, August 17, 2003

: Noise was still pretty loud last week, compared to the signal, but there were
: still a few gems during the week. Fanstock reports are in everywhere, so
: check the front page for reports from people like you, the fans!

: On with the show!

: Straight from Bungie's word-hole

: 1. Hawk7886 writes: "That looks right, it's the bent llama!"

: SketchFactor : "Yes indeed! This is classic llama material."

: 2. Hijack writes: " 'So the next gaming day will be happening at
: Lanwerx in Bellevue on August 23rd. That is a Saturday so I don't want to
: hear any bullshit about how you can't make it or whatever. As you can see
: from these pictures the last gaming day was a huge goddamned success and
: we plan to make this one even bigger.
: This month's event will revolve around a Halo tournament as well as some
: Guilty Gear XX action. To go along with our Halo tourney, Microsoft will
: has agreed to come down and show off a bit of Halo 2. ' "

: SketchFactor : "I'll be there and probably Achronos and maybe some
: others. We'll be playing through a live version of the E3 demo and
: possibly bringing another surprise.
: If you're in the area, stop by and say howdy!"
: Monkey continues: "When i get Back to Uni i am hoping to Host a Halo
: Tourney in my House for the HBO regulars here in the UK (so if your
: interested let me know)....
: So Would your good self or any1 else at Bungie like to come demo Halo 2 in
: our living room ? i'll arrange all the sofas like a "Movie
: theatre" if it will make you feel at home ;-)
: As a sepcial Treat we will even cook you dinner ... Better than E3 ?
: Worth a try don't you think ?"

: SketchFactor : "Would I care to? Absolutely! Would I be allowed to?
: Sadly, I'm afraid it would be a tough sell. Trust me, if I could, I'd be
: hopping all over the World spreading Bungie Love. I know we've got tons of
: fans outside of the U.S. but logistically it's just much easier to do
: stuff locally. I know... sucks doesn't it? I'm hopeful that someday I'll
: be able to hit the road and throw a FanFest in Europe and Australia!"
: Narcogen chimes in: ""What, and snub the good citizens of Central
: Asia?"

: SketchFactor : "Hehe. The current contacts I have outside of the US are
: limited to Australia and Europe. Why not kick off the World Tour there?
: After which we will embark on a sweep across the globe, spreading the word
: and furthering our quest for world domination. Donned in our pimp suits,
: cane in hand, we will sail the seven seas... wait a minute. This sounds
: strangely familiar... :0"

: 3. Warbow writes: "Congrats and have fun. I can't say I'm not jealous,
: but I am glad the some HBOers got to go. :)"

: SketchFactor : "Wish I could go [fanstock]! Teach those Gearbox guys
: how to play some Halo! =)"

: 4. kris08 writes: "Anyone know how much space halo 1 took up? Hey if
: you guys at Bungie need any extra space please use two discs. Don't skimp
: on the features because you run out of space. Me and my friend thought of
: using a two disc setup (one for campaign and one for co-op) months ago so
: I should get the credit :P

: MSN : "If we have to go to 2 disks, I don't think you can get credit
: for us working hard enough to make > 9 GB of data."

: 5. Shishka posts his Fanstock write up (see Flood of Interesting Stuff
: below).

: MSN : "It's Guerilla, not geurilla. Kind of like guerilla warfare.

: And I wish they had given credit to the creators of those tools, especially
: Sapien. Oh well."
: Shishka: "Sorry about that, Mat. I'll fix the typo and credit the
: person responsible right away.

: ...So how long has Lorraine been a tools programmer? She did a great job...
: *ducks*"

: MSN : "Not your fault :) Although I cringe at the thought that Gearbox
: will be releasing Sapien to the public. Especially considering how much it
: has changed since we released Halo."
: Shishka: "To an extent, it's had to. Gearbox had to modify the way
: Halo's cache files work to make a smaller footprint. Sapien would have to
: be able to look at these "global" cache files Halo PC uses and
: be able to use their content in the map you are editing. That's at least
: one change, I can imagine there are a number of other changes.

: Mat, if you're still watching this thread, can you explain to me what Tool
: is, and what it's used for?

: Thanks!"

: MSN : "Tool is our command line tool (heheh) that we dump anything that
: requires non-interactive data processing; model importing, data
: conversion, things like that."
: Narcogen: "Do you mean that Sapien has forked-- that the version that
: has been changed since Halo was released is not the version that Gearbox
: will be releasing?"

: MSN : "We forked the entire codebase; Sapien was just a part of what we
: gave to Gearbox."

: Wu is me!

: 1. "When you can discourage Miguel, the most indefatigable Bungie fan on
: the planet, you should hang your head in shame and whip yourself till you
: bleed."

: 2. "If the five biggest offenders would keep their fingers off their
: keyboards, and hold in their verbal diarrhea when they see something that
: they don't like... this forum would see 300 fewer posts every single
: day."

: 3. "We got tooled, when it came to that... but we had fun."

: 4. "Phone works, we've just been hanging up every time you call."

: Mig's free will

: 1. "The greatest trick FB ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't
: exist."

: 2. "And no, the assholes aren't gone, *I'm* still here!"

: 3. "You've just made me throw up in my own mouth."

: mneme-says

: 1. "Sure! Can I have his head?"

: 2. "Wow, I can hear the forehead hitting the desk all the way out
: here."

: Shishka-Bob

: 1. "If I ever need to figure out how to type as though I'm gurgling ,
: I'll come back to this post."

: 2. "***INPUT COMMAND***

: S:\exec acerbic.cfg


: FUCK that."

: 3. "I found that I can make myself drool within 5 seconds of hearing
: plasma fire."

: Exchange of the Week
: Louis Wu: Euphemism?
: Hawk7886: eu·phe·mism n.

: The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one
: considered harsh, blunt, or offensive: “Euphemisms such as
: ‘slumber room’... abound in the funeral business”
: (Jessica Mitford).
: mnemesis: What?
: Louis Wu: You know, I started banging my head against the table when I
: read Hawk's post... until I read this.

: ;)

: Thank you - I'll have a less painful evening now. :)
: Hawk7886: What the hell? You asked what a euphemism is. All I did was post
: the definition. Damn.
: Louis Wu: I didn't ask what a euphemism is. I questioned whether
: 'euphemism' was the proper descriptor for the relationship between 'law
: school' and 'dungeon'.

: I can understand how, taken out of context (the context being the person
: making the post), a one-word post with a question mark might be
: interpreted the way you interpreted it.

: However, I was pretty sure that anyone paying attention to my posts (forum
: and news) would understand that 'euphemism' is well within my vocabulary
: limits.

: Never mind. You're right - I shouldn't assume anything. My bad.
: Hawk7886: Yah, sorry, miscommunication bites. I'm usually the one to talk
: about context, since so many people don't read my posts the way I intended
: them to be read. For instance, If you didn't put that little "my
: bad" comment in, I might've thought you were attacking me. I didn't
: think the dungeon/law school euphemism fit.
: mnemesis: Wow, I can hear the forehead hitting the desk all the way out
: here.

: Flood of Interesting Stuff

: Skavenger_s7 dazzles us with She can have the TV........................
: - The grand finale! or is it? o_ O

: Nick continues his escapades with Holy hacking, Batman! It's vehicles in
: MP! *IMGs* - hacking season is still here!

: CobaltNova Halo PC: New Map Clues, Need Help - "Well over at the
: Gearbox (PC game developer) forums I put together a list of the six new
: maps and the various pictures associated with them. Unfortunately, we only
: know the names of 4 of the maps and have pictures of only 4, though a
: different 4 at that."

: Mr. Mister Halo was built in 7 days. *long* "Thats why you don't see
: any cities or living quarters of any kind. This would also keep the
: Forerunner(s) coveniently close to Halo but out of the reach of the
: Flood."

: Boll presents: Random media pack. - Just go.

: Ninja On Fire Another Guest 117 *IMG* - "I just had to make one too.
: It was too much fun. Thanks Stuntman for starting this great series off. I
: cheated a bit and used some Fireworks in there but for the most part I
: completed it in Paint."

: Shishka That thing I said, about waiting until Monday? - "Well, I
: lied . Eat up, me hearties. I claim longest writeup yet!"

: It was a stark and dormy night...ummm..oh well, Halo FanFic entries this
: week

: 1. Agent Shade submits: The Last War, Chapter One: Self-Aware and The
: Last War, Chapter Two: Futile Pleas of Help

: 2. Bloodcider submits: Anathema - Chapter 2: Elysium City Stakeout and
: Chapter 1 - Boot

: 3. Cire117 submits: Battle for Sigma Octanus

: 4. CrazyIvan2X submits: Mutant Chronicles : A New worrior

: 5. Darth Lord submits: Halo- The Fallen Place pt1

: 6. Dispraiser submits: Draco Part 1

: 7. Elfster submits: Its Just One of Those Days (Prologue: 04)

: 8. Fleet Admiral submits: New Lunar HQ: Chapter 2

: 9. Frensa Geran submits: True Purpose: The Sequel

: 10. FuManChu submits: Earth, A Place for Death. Part 6: Helping out the
: Chief

: 11. GLADIATRRR3000 submits: A Marine Named Peters: From One Crash To
: Another and A Marine Named Peters: Sledding is Fun, Unless the
: Covenant Are Behind You

: 12. Gruntar(aka LALA) submits: The Seeping: Tales of 2 Pilots Part 1

: 13. Hikaru-119 submits: The Fallen Chapter 4 Section 4: Power Regulation

: 14. Hunter_Killer submits: An Officer Named Starblade: Onward to Earth!

: 15. J-117 submits: A John Before Halo: Part 7

: 16. JCDenton submits: Halo: The MCconto Chronicles 6: The Phrophecy ,
: Halo: The MCconto Chronicles 8 and Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part
: 7: The Meeting

: 17. Joseph Themann submits: The First Battle of Sol Part One

: 18. Kancer submits: War for Earth City [2]: More of an Enemy Then You
: Thought and War for Earth City [3]: Not Much of a Friend

: 19. Legend Player submits: Search for Chief part one edited

: 20. Michael Gillespie submits: Marines are fighting this war, not
: Spartans-Prologue

: 21. pooman submits: The Alliance: Part One and The Sarge

: 22. PreacherCain submits: Here Goes Nothing...

: 23. retsamolah submits: First Contact; Chapter 4: Planning

: 24. S7N submits: All Roads Lead To Sol...Despite What The Map Says:
: Chapter 10 , Rampancy Is Character Forming: Part 3 , Rampany Is
: Character Forming: Part 4

: 25. Shadow/Archangel's Blade/KnightmareWolf/Spartan415 submits: Rebirth -
: The Ragnarok

: 26. Shadowrunner submits: Answers (Halo2: Chapter 10)

: 27. Spartan117 submits: Episode 2- The Spartan's , Episode 3- Who Said
: Being Human Was Easy? , Episode One - The Spartan and Legiment To
: My Marines

: 28. stan submits: A Grunt's Hope and Thoughts of a Marine

: 29. Vege7a submits: SNIPER: Part-Two

: 30. Walker submits: Last of the Walking Dead - Part Two: Arrival

: I want my HTv!

: c0ld vengeance : YELLOW BANSHEE!!!! - Well, what do you know? There is
: a Yellow Banshee after all.

: PfhorSlayer : Warthogs on Hang 'em High - and the hits just keep on
: coming!

: vshields ash : It's not easy being seen - Follow the link and run!

: Lion : Oddballs Episode 2 - Another installment, scope it!

: JakeDaGreat : Pigs CAN fly! - ummm. Wow. {Note: This post was made
: without permission by the creator of the video, dmauro. For those that
: care, please allow the authors to be the first to unveil their work to the
: world}.

: Off the Mark

: .mirage posts Weekly Zen *OT*

: Quotes of the Week

: "...[cows] just stand there and chew on grass and don't really mind if
: they are killed or whatever. Cows are smart." - Vid Boi

: "Trouble is, it's so dark, ya can only play at night, and i'm about
: outta ,er, nightlight?" - vshields ash

: "ABA slut ly, oh man, if the swedes get a hold of your gonads, it will
: not be pretty !" - vshields ash

: "I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head and lays it's eggs in
: my brain, because later you might think your having a good idea but it's
: just eggs hatching." - Pico

: Trolling Through the Park One Day...
: And the Award for "I don't want to wear diapers anymore" goes to...

: Pulser - "Have a moniter (poor guy) always watching the newbie
: room, keeping track of who is allowed to graduate, and who needs to repeat
: intro-to-kindergarten. I dunno, the answer is out there..."

: How to be a Jerk in Co-op

: (new submissions)

: 1. "If you use the plasma rifle against the flood, and you are... say...
: 30ft ahead of your friend... the flood usually fall, but do not die, as a
: result of the plasma rifle fire. (This is assuming you stop firing at
: their bodies after they fall down.) So as your friend is following you,
: suddenly all the flood you shot down should pop up to say "hi"
: to your co-op buddy." - FrogBlast

: 2. "Let your buddy ride the elevator halfway down, then hit X to bring
: it back up. Your buddy will promptly slip through the floor of the
: elevator and fall to his death." - Warbow

: 3. "kill your coop-er while you are in a banshee. when you fly, you are
: going too fast for them to respawn. now to really stiff them, land at the
: highest point possible or better yet crash into a high wall. when you
: crash, your speed will be low enough that the person respawns in midair
: and will fall and fall and fall. repeat as necessary." - Tirion of
: *WP*

: 4. "Wait until you Co-op buddy is standing on glass over the enemy.
: Shoot the glass and send your partner down into the middle of them. Then
: don't forget to says "Oops sorry" - Warbow

: 5. "Spend all your time breaking glass, don't worry about any enemies.
: You must run around hitting every piece of glass so that you hear the
: breaking sound. Don't kill anything, it just takes time way from your
: glass breaking. Do this until your partner either screams at you or just
: walks up behind and smacks you in the head. Either way at that point you
: know that you have become a Jerk." - Warbow

: 6. "My younger brother and I play Halo alot and he is 3(he has learned
: the controls very well) Well last night we played GS level and while the
: glass and the gernade ideas are good try this. When crossing the first
: bridge (not flashing) above a large group of flood and covenent get across
: first the deactivate the bridge with your partner on it. My brother did
: this to me and it =bleep=ed me off. I eventually was pulled to him by a
: check point and introduced him to the back end of my shotgun. Something
: similar can be done on AoTCR get to the elevators first and go down,
: Either you slow down your buddy (death is imminent then) or you kill them
: because they jump after you. (the elevator looks closer than it seems and
: it keeps moving faster than you can fall)." - Lt. Marx

: 7. "When your partner is being chased closely by infection flood (or
: anything else for that matter) Say "I've got your back!" and,
: instead of shooting the badguy down, toss a plasma 'nade onto the pursuer.
: The alien chasing your friend will become a homing grenade... your friend
: will promptly smack you." - FrogBlast

: 8. "This annoying trick involves using the checkpoint/loading areas of
: Halo and works better if you are playing legendary. Hang back near a
: checkpoint, wait until your co-op buddy is fighting an elite. When he/she
: finally has the elite's shield down, back up and trigger his/her return to
: your location. Generally, by the time he/she returns to the fight, the
: elite's shield are recharged. Keep doing this repeatedly. This trick also
: works well while your partner is flying a banshee. Wait until he/she is
: flying over an object that is normally not accessible from the ground,
: such as a bridge or large rock formation. Trigger the checkpoint and if
: you?re lucky his/her banshee will crash on said object. Leaving them on
: the ground where he/she belongs. Oh and as always don't forget to say
: 'Oops, sorry!' " - Warbow

: 9. "The setup: make sure that your partner is driving the warthog, you
: should be the gunner. You should not have a marine riding shotgun. Wait
: until your partner is driving toward a large group of Covenant. This part
: takes timing, you must wait until right before the hog is within range of
: the covenants weapons. Bail out, if you time it right, your partner will
: not realize that he has no gunner until it is too late. Hopefully there
: will be several jackals with over charged pistols to take out his/her
: shields and several elites to finish him/her off. Now comes the tricky
: part, you must act casual. When your partner asks "Why?" You
: respond "What??....I'm shooting them" while you firing a few
: pistol rounds in the general direction of the enemy." - Warbow

: 10. "Also, (especially when playing coop against the flood), should your
: buddy happen to die, toss a f r ag grenade onto his body (when he's not
: looking!). Thus scattering his weapons so to make him go through an
: aggrevating search and recover if he wants that Shotgun again.. " -
: pete_the_duck

: 11. "This is fun with everyone, but it's better when I'm teaching new
: people to play while in a co-op mission with them. I usually do this on
: the light bridge, but whatever: while driving the warthog with them in it,
: I run it off the right side of the bridge and jump out at the last second
: when my door is at the edge. The best part is that they usually try to
: jump out, too, but that just makes them die faster." - Glenn Close

: 12. "Going into battle, either two or three on a hog. 1. You are gunner
: , must have plasma grenade. - Just before, jump out, toss plasma
: (sticking) to rear underside - Hog flips, causing driver shield reduction,
: just as the attack begins 2. You are the side-seat passenger, must have
: plasma grenade. - To a sticky toss to the driver and/or gunner, and bail
: OR.... 3. You are the side-seat passenger, any grenade - Toss it out in
: front of the hog (like you are throwing at the enemy) - As you drive over,
: hang on...of all passengers, you will survive the best." - CYBRFRK

: 13. "While playing Halo (the level) whoever is first plyer gets to have
: alot of fun at the beginning. As soon as you gain control of your Master
: chief, run forward and melee player 2 in the back. (for some odd reason
: player two starts in front of player 1) As you are doing this (as in right
: before you're melee hits him), you should trigger a checkpoint. As soon as
: you partner respawns you might recieve the same treatment, but it is safe
: to say that you'll get the last laugh when you repeatedly kill yourself,
: leaving him to face the Covenant soon as you revert to
: saved, he'll die, and no amount of jamming the control stick forward will
: save him. Have fun ;)" - Jamirus99

: 14. "This works best with a player at your skill level, and it's easy
: enough to do. Just fire up the level Halo, and when you are about to get
: to the underground cavern thing, make sure they are in the passenger side
: of the puma. Park on the side of the cliff so that they can't get out
: without dying. Get out of the 'hog and stand behind it, so that they can't
: shoot you, and try to get as close to the edge as possible. With any luck,
: when they decide to just bite the bullet and fall, they will respawn over
: the edge, and fall again. You can stay there for a few minutes, making up
: some story about your controller being screwed up and not being able to
: move." - B-go

: 15. "Get your co-op buddy to ride on the tracks of the tank in AotCR.
: Try to get him to sit on the front tracks. When you get to the underground
: area, pull up to the broken bridge and hang the tracks over the edge as
: far as possible without driving off. Hop out and continue on your merry
: way. If you want, slap a plasma granade on the back of tank as you walk
: away." - Boss "Wart" Hogg
: [new}
: 16. "Load up T&R. There are so many things to screw up on here, that
: will drive your co-op player mad, especially if he cares about finishing
: the mission. In consecutive order: a)You politely offer your friend to do
: the fun part of the game, which you call sniping. Let him pick off a
: couple enemies, then run in there with your assault rifle blazing, thus,
: waking all of the Covenant, summoning the marines and screwing up his
: sniping. Input excuse here. Don't just stop there. When you reach the part
: before the grav-lift, let him start sniping again. Then again, rush in
: with your assault rifle on automatic, if you are really cruel, sneak
: around to the left, so that the marines will run up the center and
: obstruct his firing apparatus.(Note: Purposely running in front of your
: friend while he's zoomed in the sniper rifle will probably piss him off,
: and he might as well shoot you. In case of that emergency. Strafe to avoid
: the sniper fire if possible and continue to block his view.)
: b) When at the grav-lift section, tell your friend to hang back and cover
: you as you run to aquire a shade on the cliffhedge. After sucessfully
: reaching the shade, and promptly dispatching the Covenant from the
: dropship, wait for the enemy to unload on the grav-lift. Your friend
: should be on the other side at this time. Fire the shade seemingly toward
: the enemy, but direct the fire in his direction. That way the bright light
: prevents good sniping, or the plasma fire kills him eventually. Excuse
: yourself by indicating you were providing supression fire and also helping
: him kill the enemy.
: c)Intentionally waste active camouflages and overshields, especially aboard
: the ship. Quickly grab the active camouflage and run in completely circles
: until it fades, then repeat the process. If he becomes suspcious of you
: running with it, swap for your assault rifle or other automatic weapon,
: and fire at the enemy while you have your active camouflage. Your best
: excuse for intentionally wasting it, is that you had to fire upon the
: enemy to either save your friend, or they spotted you. For overshields,
: simply activate the overshield and discover the nearest Jackal, and let
: the alien quickly erase the power-up your friend admires. (This tactic
: could be used on any level.)
: d)One of the most annoying parts of the entire level, Keyes himself. Allow
: your friend to take all the glory and have him positioned at the point.
: Tell your friend you are holding back to cover Captain Keyes. While your
: allies are ahead of you clearing the way, help them by firing also with
: your assault rifle. The inaccuracy of the assault rifle will keep your
: friend alive and rip Captain Keyes that is in front of you to shreds.
: Merely wound him enough for a single Covenant plasma bolt to kill the
: Captain and allow a checkpoint to activate. After the checkpoint, ensure
: that Keyes finds his doom shortly after. The cutscene will activate, and
: subtly pretend that the Covenant or a lousy marine killed the Captain.
: Repeat the process for further frustration, preventing the completion of
: the level, and the unending death of Captain Keyes." - Shinai
: Purugganan

: 17. "Allow your bravado friend to rush into the enemy and easily
: dispatch the Covenant. As he cheers for the easy victory and praises his
: own L337 skillz just before the last enemy dies, send him a late frag
: grenade and possibly trigger a massive explosion, which not only kills him
: and scatters his weapons, but also prevents any hopes of him retriving
: anything from the Covenant he killed. Excuses are difficult to input here,
: unless you are renowned for loving great chain reaction explosions."
: - Shinai Purugganan

: 18. "Additionally to this undying tradition, perform this sequence in
: various places including the Pillar of Autumn. Gun down the Covenant
: boarders as they exit the airlock and ensure that you do not use a grenade
: and possibly make sure that Covenant die inside their boarding craft.
: Politely let your friend enter the small hatch first, and as he retrieves
: an over-shield, accidentally toss a plasma grenade to trigger the chain
: reaction where your friend is trapped cannot leave, thus becomed roasted
: turkey in a Covenant-built oven." - Shinai Purugganan

: 19. "For the subtle jerks, procede to missions with the Flood carrier
: forms. As you know the Flood carrier forms explode, causing grenades
: around it to explode. Inform your friend that you will eliminate the
: carrier forms as he takes the prize with the combat forms. While your
: friend battles the combat forms, let a carrier form, sneak up to him; do
: your assigned task, and destroy the carrier form. In turn, the combat
: forms around him who left grenades around, will repeat the honored chain
: reaction explosion, throwing your co-op friend into a frenzy against
: you." - Shinai Purugganan

: 20. "If your buddy gets up to get a drink or go to the bathroom between
: levels, wait until he leaves the room and exit out to the main menu. Go to
: the profile edit screen and change his button setup and/or his y-axis
: setting. Quickly reload the level before he gets back. This works
: especially well on a level that starts off with fighting, such as
: SC." - Boss "Wart" Hogg

: 21. " AotCR on legendary. right as the game starts, tap X to stay
: inside the pelican and leave your friend to fight the two elites." -
: TablesandChairs4

: 22. "In Two Betrayals, walk near the door to the control room and drop
: off the edge between the door and where the little wall starts, opposite
: the door (hope this is understandable). When you fall and die, so will
: your friend." - CammanB
: You think you're a jerk in co-op, or been jerked? Let me know, and if it
: brings the slightest hint of a smile out of me, I'll include it in next
: week's edition!

: Newbie Corner:
: Ahhh...a newcomer? Check this out!

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: Ever wonder when an egg is not an egg? Look here for more egg stuff .

: What the heck is The Megg?

Message Index


HBO Weekly ReviewWeekly Review 8/19/03 12:57 p.m.
     Yay! Well done, WR.Shishka 8/19/03 1:09 p.m.
     Nice!! *NM* *NM*BOLL 8/19/03 1:22 p.m.
           GAH!!BOLL 8/19/03 1:26 p.m.
                 Hmmm...Puts BOLL on the Listdeanero 8/19/03 1:30 p.m.
                       Oh no! Not BOLL too! *NM*Shishka 8/19/03 1:44 p.m.
                             *raises eyebrow at Shishka, and jots notes* *NM*deanero 8/19/03 1:52 p.m.
                                   I always thought about doing that *NM*TablesandChairs4 8/19/03 2:18 p.m.
                                         No, don't do it, none reads them anyway! *NM*BOLL 8/19/03 3:32 p.m.
                                               I bet they will now *NM*TablesandChairs4 8/19/03 4:05 p.m.
                       Never, Ever trust the "*NM*" *NM*The MorningStar 8/19/03 2:50 p.m.
                             That does it! *throws list in the fire* *NM*deanero 8/19/03 2:55 p.m.
                                   Noo!!! Not "The List"!!! *NM*The MorningStar 8/19/03 2:59 p.m.
                                         Silly Rabbit *NM*deanero 8/19/03 3:06 p.m.
     Re: HBO Weekly ReviewWarbow 8/19/03 1:44 p.m.
           Testimonials #2CYBRFRK 8/19/03 2:27 p.m.
     Re: HBO Weekly ReviewStuntmutt 8/19/03 2:20 p.m.
           Re: HBO Weekly Reviewdeanero 8/19/03 2:29 p.m.
                 Re: HBO Weekly ReviewShishka 8/19/03 2:35 p.m.
                       Re: HBO Weekly ReviewGholsbane 8/20/03 4:50 a.m.
                             LOL *NM*deanero 8/20/03 5:27 a.m.
     Nice one!*NM*BLown-Upp -on a old Mac- 8/19/03 3:05 p.m.
     Re: HBO Weekly ReviewPulser 8/19/03 3:51 p.m.
     damn...stan 8/19/03 4:27 p.m.
           i vote stan, troll of the year nm heh ashvshields ash 8/19/03 8:22 p.m.
     Look Ma! I'm Famous!Pico 8/19/03 10:13 p.m.

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