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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 20
Most Recent Post: 9/27/03 3:55 a.m.

name_Jonathan Fordyce




hobbies_Xbox. Guitar. internet. drawing. Soccer(football). Digital video camera.

interests_Movies. Reading. Lord of the rings. Science fiction. Gaming(duh). anything Halo. Manchester utd. IT.

I have an Apple iMac computer, might get Halo for it mainly for interest and online play

Halo is the best game ever, i also think Splinter Cell kicks ass.
Halo 2 is gonna ROCK the world! (it basically has already)

" Behold the day it enters thy box of Heaven, and a light will shine so brightly that it blinds thou eyes. Cometh from this light will emerge a great armoured figure whos rivals crumble before him in shame, and diminish beneath his shadow. From that fatefull day onwards the Earth will change forever. In the grip of The Master Chief, thou will playeth HALO 2 "



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